Project Management

Required Text:

Gido, J., & Clements, J. (2015). Successful Project Management (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.


Must be APA format – Title page, abstract, intro and conclusion with US based references


Project Proposal

Initial project creation. As you know, the overall goal is the creation of an actual project plan. As the first step in that process, identify 3 potential projects that interest you. You will do an initial analysis of each project, putting yourself in the role of a project manager with limited time and resources. With that in mind, your task is to evaluate the 3 potential projects which you identified and apply criteria to determine each project that interest you. Write 2 – 4 pages in APA format.

Use the following guiding questions when identify/develop the project proposal:

  • What is the problem?
  • Why is it a problem?
  • Who is it a problem for?
  • What is the effect?
  • What is the cost of the problem?
  • What is the desired state?
  • What is the cost [pure estimate!] to correct
  • Estimate is hours * cost/ hour + hardware or software replacement costs + training and support
  • What is the estimated timeline?


Potential Approaches


We have covered the process of initial project creation. As you know, the overall goal is the creation of an actual project plan. As the first step in that process, identify three potential approaches that can be used on the project. Therefore, the first thing is that you need to choose a project idea from the 3 potential projects that you evaluated and the project idea that you have chosen will become your final project plan idea. Second, in order to clearly understand the task, you have begun the process of breaking down the project into its component parts and understanding the interrelation of those parts to the eventual solution. Write 2 – 4 pages in APA format.


Things to consider:


  1. When engaging the as-is analysis, be aware that you may find several versions of the “truth”

What is it written down?

What do the people do at work? THINK what they are supposed to do.

What are they doing?

  1. When building the to-be state, be sure to interview people throughout the organization. A solution that only meets the needs of a few is not an effective solution.
  2. When approaching the gap analysis, one needs to:

Look at the processes. For example, how it has been done and what it has been done.

Evaluate what it is in the existing environment that will translate into the new. On the       other hand, it is to determine what needs to be replaced. In fact, the focus on repurposing        is good that lowers costs and minimizes the project timeline.

This paper should be in APA format grammar, spelling and quality will influence your grade.



Adjusting Project Plan

How to adjust the project plan in relation to the realities of the work being done. We have seen the consumption of float and how unexpected events can affect the best of project plans and have learned how to adjust correspondingly.


Your task is updating the project plan that shows the effect of unexpected events. For instance, recourses shortage. You will need to address three or more unexpected events in your adjusting project plan.


Remember, the updated plan will be sent to stakeholders in which letting them know the current project status. Therefore, you will need to find appropriate ways to communicate with stakeholders when addressing these changes on the project plan.  The updated plan is 2 – 4 pages in APA format.




  1. Criteria of selection – that is, what you use to select between various alternatives?
  2. Final work schedule – create a work schedule based on the criteria
  3. Work breakdown structure (WBS) – provide a work breakdown structure document for the solution you have chosen.
  4. Communication schedule – it should be based on shareholders.
  5. Use methods like PERT, Gantt charts, Ishikawa diagrams, and critical path analysis flow when creating the project schedule

This paper should be in APA format grammar, spelling and quality will influence your grade.


Risk Analysis Documentation


Have discussed risk and mitigation. Risk can impact the project timeline, budget and the project itself. Therefore, it is important developing documentation to share with stakeholders that covers identified risk [scope creep!] and incorporates those identified risks into the project plan.


Your task is to develop the risk analysis documentation (2 – 4 pages in APA format) that details with following items:


  • risk
  • mitigation
  • instantiation criteria

Note: as with all work this is part of your overall project documentation package.


This paper should be in APA format grammar, spelling and quality will influence your grade.







Gantt or PERT Chart


we have begun bringing people into the project team. In this case, it is to indicate who is going to work on project tasks. We begin to assign tasks and build a timeline based of dependencies, task duration and resource availability.


You need to create a Gantt or PERT chart presenting the following information in 2 – 4 pages and APA format.:


  • the critical path
  • resources
  • task duration
  • dependencies
  • other critical items

This assignment should be in APA format grammar, spelling and quality will influence your grade.




Create Project Plan


create the project plan based on the previous selected project idea. you need to identify the criteria that are intended to use to enable selection of approach and need to break up the work into appropriate silos of activity. Write 3 – 4 pages in APA format.


Note: The project plan is based on stages of development: Draft 1 and Final. The final stage of the project plan development should present the revised, refined and well-addressed information.




  1. Criteria of selection – that is, what will you use to select between various alternatives?
  2. Initial work schedule – create an initial work schedule based on the criteria
  3. Final work schedule – create a work schedule based on the criteria
  4. Work breakdown structure (WBS) – In addition, you should provide an initial work breakdown structure document for the solution you have chosen. For example, you are correcting a defect in payroll. You need a new payroll entry form, you need some methods to connect that form to finance and you need to close the loop so a person using the form get an auto verify that their work was received.
  • Data entry form
  • Connection to Finance
  • Auto verify
  • Of course, there are more components that you need to identify as well. The point being, by understanding the project at this level of detail better insures that the project will correct the problem and will be successfully executed.
  1. Work breakdown structure (WBS) – provide a work breakdown structure document for the solution you have chosen.
  2. Communication schedule – it should be based on shareholders.
  3. Use methods like PERT, Gantt charts, Ishikawa diagrams, and critical path analysis flow when creating the project schedule

This paper should be in APA format grammar, spelling and quality will influence your grade.