Project Management Plan: Cost, Procurement, Resourcing and Engaging with Stakeholders

For your first assignment you completed part of a Project Management Plan, focusing on scope and time. For this assignment, you continue your work as a Project Manager on the same case study you worked on for your first assignment, and this time, focus on planning and managing cost, procurement, resourcing and engagement with stakeholders and communication

Latest revision comment
04/10/19 04:28

For new writer:
Please follow revision comments from C, paying attention to the following points failed by previous writer:
(1) in Budget/ cost management:There is no mention of how budget costs estimates were gathered
(2) there was no table of future operating costs
(3) the section on the planning stage was in the wrong sector
(4) there was no make/ buy analysis in the procurement management section.
Note: revision comments clarify instructions provided in file “Gf9m5PCwpwb1EG9XyJgwVosLWYX7URUBcFes”.