What is the psychoactive substance in marijuana? 70. Research suggests that long-term use of marijuana can increase a man’s risk of developing what type of cancer? 71. Medical marijuana is legally being used to treat what and specifically how is it used in the treatment of chemotherapy?

1. The constituents of food that sustain humans physiologically include what essential
2. Where does the digestive process begin?
3. What are the two most abundant nutrients in the body?
4. What percentage of our total body weight is water?
5. The body breaks down proteins into smaller usable molecules known as what?
6. How many amino acids are essential and what do you call a protein with all
essential amino acids?
7. Describe the nutritional value of simple and complex carbohydrates and give
examples of each.
8. What important roles do fats play as nutrients and what constitutes the most
prevalent fat in our bodies?
9. Define and describe how HDL and LDL differ and what can affect their levels.
10. What is the process of hydrogenation and what does it produce?
11. Which vitamins are categorized as fat-soluble and water-soluble and what is the
significance of the classifications?
12. What vitamin is needed to properly absorb calcium and of what value is calcium in
our bodies?
13. Sodium is a necessary mineral for proper electrolyte balance. How much is needed
on an average per day (Adequate Intake)?
14. What are some signs/symptoms and causes of an iron deficiency?
15. Define “empty calorie foods” and give some examples.
16. Define body mass index (BMI) and the classifications.
17. Fat is either essential or nonessential. In what area of the body is the distribution of
nonessential fat the biggest risk to health?
18. What is the “thrifty gene” and how does it affect weight management?
19. Describe the Set Point theory of weight management.
20. What can cause a change in a person’s metabolic rate and at what age does it start to
slow down 1-2 percentage per year?
21. How many calories need to be cut to lose or consumed to gain 1 pound of body fat?
22. What can increase metabolism and prove to increase the success rate of weight loss
programs and maintenance?
23. What is typically contained in weight loss supplements?
24. Describe gastric banding, gastric bypass, and liposuction procedures.
25. Define and differentiate between anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge-eating
26. Define physical fitness.
27. What does aerobic mean literally and what exercises contribute to improving
cardiovascular fitness?
28. How can muscle strength and muscle endurance be measured?
29. Define fitness flexibility and identify ways to improve it.
30. Describe FITT as it relates to fitness programs.
31. How is the talk test used as a measure of exercise intensity?
32. How much time should pass between a particular muscle training circuit and how
much time should pass for intense resistance training workouts?
33. What are the body’s core muscles?
34. What are anabolic steroids and what effect do they have on males and females?
35. Describe the importance of hydration during fitness training.
36. What does the acronym RICE mean and how is it used in relation to fitness injuries?
37. Describe hypo- and hyperthermia and the causes of each.
38. What is the order and description of the four common symptoms of addiction?
39. What is characteristic of a “tolerance” and “withdrawal” and describe how chemicals
affect the symptoms during detoxification of a physiological dependence.
40. Describe some characteristics of individuals addicted to exercise, gambling, the
Internet, shopping, and work.
41. What must be the first step for individuals who have one or several addictions?
42. Describe the aspects of an intervention.
43. What is true of enablers?
44. What should those going through rehab of addictions know about relapses?
45. What is the addictive drug in beer, wine and liquor?
46. Define “proof” and how it relates to the percentage of alcohol.
47. What is the legal limit of BAC (blood alcohol concentration) and what can affect it?
48. What are some strategies of responsible drinking and describe the characteristics of
a hangover (define congeners) and what is the best cure.
49. Define Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and its consequences.
50. What is the name of the sever syndrome resulting from alcohol withdrawal?
51. Differentiate between Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon.
52. Individuals who engage is drinking and having sex must remember what?
53. A condition of severe liver damage from long-term alcohol abuse is known as what?
54. What is the single most preventable cause of death in the U.S.?
55. What is the highly addictive chemical stimulant in cigarettes?
56. The most dangerous gas inhaled from cigarettes is what?
57. What is true regarding clove cigarettes?
58. Describe chewing tobacco and its effects.
59. How soon can tolerance to cigarettes develop in new smokers?
60. Babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy are affected how?
61. What is the difference between mainstream smoking and passive smoking?
62. How is the nicotine patch used in smoking cessation programs?
63. Describe the cigarette particulate known as “tar” and its effects on health.
64. Define OTC drugs and give some examples.
65. Describe and give examples of the various routes of drug administration.
66. Which route of drug administration has the fastest rate of effects on the body
67. Describe the difference between drug abuse and drug misuse.
68. If a depressant decreases the central nervous system activity, what is the
classification of a drug that increases the central nervous system activity?
69. What is the psychoactive substance in marijuana?
70. Research suggests that long-term use of marijuana can increase a man’s risk of
developing what type of cancer?
71. Medical marijuana is legally being used to treat what and specifically how is it used
in the treatment of chemotherapy?
72. Heroin, codeine, and morphine are opioids known as what?
73. The prescription drugs Vicodin, Percodan, Demerol, and OxyContin contain
synthetic versions of what?
74. What drug is notorious for being used to spike drinks?
75. Define and describe hallucinogens and give an example.