Psychology in the Movies: Hollywood’s take on psychological disorders

Psychology in the Movies: Hollywood’s take on psychological disorders
In today’s mass media you are constantly bombarded with conflicting information on psychological disorders. For this assignment, you have watched the movie Split in class. In your paper you will discuss how accurately or inaccurately the movie depicts the psychological disorder based on the knowledge you gained about disorders in class. After you watch the movie, write a paper using the guidelines written below.
Step 1:
Title page (see APA guidelines on HYPERLINK “”

Step 1:
State which psychological condition you feel that the main character in the film could or should be diagnosed with. Give a brief overview of the psychological condition, focusing on the symptoms of the disorder. Information about this disorder should come from the lecture, you text book as well as a minimum of three outside resources. should be one paragraph.
Step 2:
Using examples and quotes from the film, support you diagnosis of the main character. This should be multiple paragraphs and utilize information from the movie as well as from the resources you used to describe the disorder in the first paragraph.
Step 3:
Write a single concluding paragraph. This should nicely tie up your diagnosis of the character as well as whether the movie was an accurate portrayal of said disorder.

Step 4:
Reference page. Here is where you list all of the resources you used to write your paper (including the movie!). Again, reference HYPERLINK “” to see how to cite within the paper and how to format the reference page.