Public Sector Human Resources Management

A Word About Case Studies
The purpose of a case study is to provide a thorough analysis of a situation or observation (case). A case study is an empirical investigation which provides an analysis beyond what might normally be observed on first impression. In this exercise, you will be asked to read a particular case study in public sector human resources. Based on this case, you will then perform a task appropriate for someone working in a public or non-profit setting. In essence you are doing a simulation. At the end of this project you will be able to demonstrate that you can perform a particular function as a public sector or non-profit manager as partial fulfillment of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree at California State University, Long Beach.
General Instructions and Grading Rubric
The case “Some Counselors Are More Equal Than Others,” is posted on BeachBoard. Read the case carefully then write a professional memorandum recommending a specific course of action. The memorandum is a specific personnel action that you are initiating as an executive or analyst within the human resources department as Hearing Officer/Fact Finder. This will involve a high level of analytic, evaluative, and decision-making skills. You must do this, hypothetically, in your official capacity with the State of New Mexico. If you need help writing a memorandum, then Google or purchase a reference manual providing such information. If you want another source for writing a memorandum, you can also go on BeachBoard where the Case Studies are located, and under “Documents” download The Electronic Hallway, “Writing Effective Memoranda: Planning, Drafting, & Revising.” The memorandum must be exactly 10 pages in length and double-spaced.
Working with whatever memorandum style you choose, you will need to address the document to the State of New Mexico: (1) issue being addressed, defining the problem, or problem statement; (2) facts on all sides of the issue, historical chronology; (3) positions of the Union and the Human Services Department; (4) issue analysis based on the strongest and weakest points regarding Rose Paddock’s case; and (5) Hearing Officer/Fact Finder (which can literally be you or your Committee) recommendation at the end of the case study. Your recommendation can side with the employee association (union), the state, or be independent from the two. Whatever recommendation you arrive at, it must be based on the known facts, explicit policy (e.g., MOUs, state policy, handbook, etc.), case law, and federal law. If policy alternatives are recommended, then appropriate policy goals, procedures and strategies related to public sector human resources need to be made explicit. You can use the text we used in class, Public Human Resource Management, by Kearney and Coggburn as a reference for this and to cite case law and federal law if needed.
Your memorandum format should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following elements:
Issue Identification
Facts of the Case
Positions of Parties Involved
Issue Analysis