Pulmonary Edema

1. Select a topic from the list of disease summary topics. The presentation and paper are to
include the following sections:
▪ Introduction
▪ Etiology
▪ Pathogenesis
▪ Morphological Changes
▪ Clinical Significance
▪ Medical Management Considerations
▪ Patient Teaching
▪ Conclusion
2. Post a PowerPoint Presentation of the disease process that aligns with the disease paper.
Upload the ppt by using Voice Thread technology which will require you to include slides
and accompanying lecture/narration as a presentation of your subject. This will be due by
Midnight on Wednesday of the week you are assigned. For information on creating your
voice thread presentation
3. Moderate discussion/Q&A from your classmates daily from Thursday-Sunday on your
specific topic using Voice Thread. Use Netiquette guidelines while mediating discussions and
keep the responses focused on relevant information, evidence and real-world examples to
support your point of view as they relate to your disease topic.
4. Grading Criteria for this assignment is described in a separate document. The grade will be
determined by a combination of the quality of the power point, moderation of discussion
with classmates, and the scholarly paper. The scholarly paper grade will be based on the
degree of detail in the content and overall quality of the paper, including writing style,
grammar, appearance and adherence to APA format. The paper should be 10-14 pages long
(minimum of 1,700 but not more than 2000 words) . There should be enough power point
slides to sufficiently cover to topic (approximately 15-20 slides).