The purpose of this assignment is to inform the audience about a culture. You may choose a culture or a subculture. Through your information, explanation and examples, the audience should gain insight into the uniqueness of the culture and its people

Speech #2: Culture Speech

The purpose of this assignment is to inform the audience about a culture. You may choose a culture or a subculture. Through your information, explanation and examples, the audience should gain insight into the uniqueness of the culture and its people. Remember: the focus is a culture not on the geography or history of a country or group. You should keep in mind the audience that you are speaking to and try to select a topic that is audience centered. Additionally, please make sure the topic is classroom appropriate.

Remember, the purpose of this assignment is to inform, not persuade. You are to keep your opinion of the subject out of the presentation and objectively “teach us” about your topic. Through your information, explanation and examples, the audience should gain insight into the topic you have chosen. Your speech should not make judgments, but rather, be an objective

Presentation Requirements (100 points)

  1. Your speech is to be 5-7 minutes in length.
  2. It should include at least three outside sources that you cite verbally in your presentation.
  3. It should include at least one appropriate visual aid.
  4. It should have all of the elements that constitute a successful introduction, body and conclusion.
    1. Introduction: Attention Grabber, Statement of Credibility, Preview of Main Points
    2. Body: Main points should be clear, organized, well-developed.
      1. Use effective/appropriate transitional phrases
    3. Conclusion: Summarize Main Points, End with a STRONG final statement (“That’s all everyone” or “Thanks…I’m done” does not count.)
  5. You are to use an extemporaneous mode of delivery.
  6. You are to display appropriate energy and enthusiasm regarding your topic.
  7. You should give the presentation to an audience of 5 or more adults. Your speech is to be video recorded and I should be able to see the audience. You can introduce your audience briefly or pan the room before you begin speaking to them but I must see that they are in the room watching you the entire time you’re speaking (do not show an audience and then turn the camera off and then back on).
  8. Record the speech on a webcam or phone and then upload it to YouTube. Afterwards, please post your speech in the following two places: (1) The discussion board under the thread titled “Speech #2 & Peer Reviews” for the class to view and (2) In the “Speech 2 Submission” folder located in the Speeches tab in Blackboard.

Preparation Outline Requirements (45 points)

  1. A full sentence, typed outline must be turned in the day your speech is due.
  2. This outline should include every single sentence or phrase from your presentation.
  3. You must label the major parts of the introduction, body and conclusion, as well as your transitional statements and put your documented sources in bold font.
  4. The outline should resemble the sample outline that is posted under the Course Documents tab on Blackboard.
  5. A typed works cited page using MLA format should be included as the last page of your outline.

Speaking Outline Requirements (5 points)

  1. This outline is what you take to the podium with you.
  2. It should be no more than 2-3 pages and should also be typed.
  3. This outline should only include key words or phrases and NOT complete sentences.
  4. A sample Speaking Outline can be found under the Course Documents tab in Blackboard.