Quality Improvement (QI) initiative

Choose a Quality Improvement (QI) initiative that is current in your healthcare organization.  Using information from the chapters we have covered, the IOM, AHRQ, the IHI, and Joint Commission websites as appropriate, describe the initiative with the following elements:

  Press Ganey is the quality improvement initiative used at the University of Iowa Hospital

  1. Define quality improvement.
  2. Describe the purpose of the quality improvement initiative in your institution, including factors leading to the QI initiative.
  3. Identify strategies for implementation of the initiative.
  4. Identify barriers to implementation of the initiative.
  5. Explain the meaning of a “Culture of Safety
  6. Describe your institution; is it a culture of safety or one of blame? Provide examples to support your assessment. (Institution is a culture of safety University of Iowa Hospital)
  7. The 2001 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report has identified (6) aims/goals for healthcare improvement, please define each of the six goals and discuss strategies for effective implementation of each goal. Use both the textbook and the IOM website to obtain your information.
  8. What is the purpose of the Joint Commission or the purpose of the regulatory body in your facility?
  9. Define adverse events and give (3) examples of adverse events and (3) examples of adverse event causes.
  10. Define and describe the use of root cause analysis in nursing.
  11. Choose one of the examples you provided in #9, and explain how the root cause analysis might look and help improve quality.