Race and ethnic issues around the world

Race/Ethnic Issues around the World Paper: For this research paper, select any topic or case study that directly relates to race and ethnic relations outside the United States. The research paper has a page requirement of 5-6 pages and must incorporate at least 5 traditional academic sources (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles and books). Your research paper must include a thesis, and it will be graded on organization, inclusion of academic texts and grammar. Your paper should include: -A thesis statement (which clearly expresses the topic of your research paper); -The body of your paper should include present the findings of your research (be sure to organize your discussion in a meaningful way, using subheadings if necessary); and -A brief but thoughtful conclusion In addition to the 5-6 pages above, I would like an abstract page typed up, title page, and reference page (total of 8-9 pages) and in addition to the 5 scholarly references including peer-reviewed journal articles, I would like the textbook used as an additional reference (6 references). The textbook is (Scott, M. (2012). THINK Race and Ethnicity. Boston: MA, Pearson. Companion website: http://thethinkspot.com/scott-2012). Must be APA style formatted, Times New Roman font size 11, double spaced throughout except on the title, abstract and reference pages.