Reaction Paper on Stage Sisters film

Stage sister is an enjoyable and a well-made film that has enormous relevance to Chinese history. Stage sister film makes a perfect connection between stage drama and the drama at social stage making a big title for the film. The film finds a perfect base on the negative impact in modern China. The beginning of this movie mainly uses the stage sisters to describe the conflict between two sisters and fairly reveals to us how contemporary China has changed and developed in the present century. The use of a description between sisterhood and love rank exceptionally provides us with an understandable drama with reference to present societies (Jin 2013). As the film progressed, the audience was made to see how the difference and conflict between sisters is more obvious and how blood relationships can be easily broken. The timing of the film I believe is one of the reasons for its significance.

Produced just at the time of Cultural Revolution, this film adheres to revolutionary models of operas that please and charm the audience. The film finds more significance in failing to base its story on the meeting of two young women coming from different backgrounds but instead focus on the film as a contemporary opera. The personal drama within the film is parallel to contemporary fictional worlds performed in theatres. Stage sisters managed to develop two central ideas revolving around ‘sisters’ and ‘stage’. Understanding the ‘stage’ in this movie result from the importance of occupation called Shaoxing opera. On the other hand, ‘sisters’ I believe makes reference to the process of developing a close split close between the two female characters. The movie is acted in a way that the audience can divide it in three distinct categories.

In my opinion, the first part of the movie focuses on introducing how the two sisters met (Jin 2013). The movie enters a second part which becomes more interesting for every audience because of the discussions on the pressure of life, dealing with fame, money and the pressures of wanting to remain down to earth. The transition to the last part of a movie presents to the audience presents some type of fissure but brings us to some form of courtroom. The crucial moment at the end of the movie can be well connected to the beginning of the movie with a successful transition as well which makes the audience relate whatever happens in a contemporary world. Generally, the movie is a good one because of its representation of the thoughts of people during that particular period of time. Directing the movie in 1964, just the time that Cultural Revolution is taking place in China was a good reception to the audience (Jin 2013).

Not only are we able to relate to women and how they were unable to make choices on their own during Cultural Revolution but the producer ensures that the audience links conflict and wealth among other cultural conflicts (Jin 2013). In a nutshell, stage sisters is a work is a full representation of socialist realism work and a picture that resembled the melodrama in Hollywood in terms of female sexuality. From this film, we are able to conclude that people in different stages of change and distinct periods can make life a simple reflection to the rest of the public.


Jin, J. (2013, August 18). Retrieved February 09, 2017, from