Reaction Paper Terrorism

Reaction Papers of no less than 800 words (12-pitch), excluding the wording in the Cover page, Abstract page, and Reference page. The papers are due no later than Sunday at 11:55 PM Eastern during Modules/Weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5. Your Reaction Paper must be in full APA style and format including the cover/title page, a separate abstract page with keywords, in-text citations, properly placed page numbers, running heads, and a separate reference page identifying all sources. The Abstract paragraph must be no less than 75 words. Your Reaction Paper must address at least one full chapter assigned for the module in the course outline at the base of the syllabus. Identify the addressed chapter number(s) and chapter title(s) in the paper Abstract also in the Introduction.

Reaction Paper is on Chapter 7: Terrorist Group Organizations

Chapter consists of common characteristics of terrorist groups, Terrorist Areas of Operation, Classifying Terrorist Sources of Support, Terrorist Group Structures and Membership (who orders terrorist acts?), Terrorist Command and Control Structures, and Organizational Models.

Any further questions about this assignment or the material please message me.

Book name: Terrorist Recognition Handbook by Malcolm Nance (Third Edition)