Read “Executive Orders 101: What are they and how do Presidents use them?” posted at

Nothing seems to rattle the people more than an executive order, especially if they view their
President as being “on the other team.” A few of President Trump’s executive orders certainly made big
news. Most of us, however, don’t know anything more about the contents of these orders than the media
reports convey. Your assignment is to take a deeper look at executive orders and draw your own
conclusions regarding in these orders.
1. Read “Executive Orders 101: What are they and how do Presidents use them?” posted at
2. Go to Here you may use a “drop down” to
change the year and examine executive orders issued from John Quincy Adams to the present. There
is also a data table located at which
provides executive order totals by President.
3. After you examine the websites, focus on the executive orders issued by President Trump. Look at
their titles. Are there any you’ve never heard of? Are there any that surprise you? Are there any that
interest you enough to want to know more? Once you’ve perused the orders, choose one to be the
focus of this report. Read that order carefully in order to determine exactly what that order says.
Complete research about your chosen order so that you can provide the information needed for your
4. Use the program or app of your choice to create a slide presentation that includes the following

I have included the instructions in a word format. You will form your own personality opinion. No plagiarism. You will have to create a power point slide with 11 slides total. Please honest work, and critical thinking needs to be applied. I will need a turnitin report included as well after completion.