Reading Response: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America

There was an idea, even within the indigenous people, that racial and identities around ethnicity were not anything to go by as evidenced in many intellectual thoughts in the United States of America. However, in the Latin American countries, there persisted an identity and discrimination along race and ethnicity as Indians and blacks were associated with the past evolution of mankind and strongly with primitivism, traditionalism, slavery, lack of any leadership skills, crudeness in production techniques among other discriminating isolations. Consequently, the center of interest in this reading shows how race is argued, and in many times provoke the conclusive answer ethnicity (Wade 45).

There exists quite a distinguished view of elective affinity and discrimination, with race and ethnicity being the reasons. The argument is, “you are black because you are of African ethnicity”. Any primitive or stupid act is all associated with African ethnicity. For the natives it will be an abuse if you refereed them as black, for this will mean to them that they are primitive. Simply because of race and ethnicity, one would be deemed inferior and unequal and not worth the very same treatment as the natives. There were unequal terms of trade and resource allocation which were unfavorable to Latin Americans yet very favorable to the natives (Wade 51).

Owing to such a mentality, it can be deduced that, the reason behind white supremacy and black oppression in the United States of America can be well pegged on race and ethnicity. The Latin Americans and Indians are taken to be inferior owing to their race which shows their black ethnicity. Race and ethnicity, in conclusion, since time immemorial up to present, has been used as a gauge to measure and qualify people for certain premiums in the country (Wade 53-57).

The question of interest for discussion: should inequality be graded according to situations and the living/economic standards of certain groups of people?