recent disaster event or terrorist attack and impact on tourism and hospitality

You are to choose a most recent disaster event or terrorism incident that has had a significant
impact on the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Based on the current scholarly literature you are
to identify and examine the legal and regulatory factors that a tourism/hospitality governing body
must consider in the future to minimise/avoid such events or incidents from occurring.
You are then required to develop and propose a policy draft that you would recommend to the key
stakeholders of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry.
Your proposal MUST follow a professional structure:
Overview of the event/incident (250 words)
Recommended policy draft (1000 words):
Overview of the tourism and hospitality activity
Critical Analysis of Identified legal and regulatory concerns
Policy Objective/s
Stakeholders Involved
Validation Statement (250 words): Justification for your choice of the content covered in the
policy draft
Reference List (You must use Harvard Referencing Style)
You are required to reference at least 12 sources of information. These may include corporate
websites, government publications, industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper