Recruitment & Selection – Psychometric Testing

Your first sentence must state your point. It introduces the topic you’re about to discuss and tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be about. This is sometimes called a topic sentence.

Support your point with evidence and examples. In the next one or two sentences, give evidence to expand upon and support the point you made. Evidence can include facts, statistics, research findings, quotes from a credible authority or a primary text.

This is where you show your understanding by explaining in more detail how and why your evidence supports your point. Your explanation should interpret the evidence for the reader.

The last sentence should reinforce your original point or link your writing to the next paragraph. The link sentence can provide a transition to the next topic or paragraph.

Latest revision comment4/2/19 9:52am
The essay question is to critically evaluate. However, the essay is very descriptive. I have also highlighted other part in the paper that needs revisiting. Please see attached file. Thank you.