Reflective Journal – The Rise of Dubstep

Written Work and Oral Presentation Marking
90-100: (Exceptional)
As per 80-89 and going significantly beyond what is required of them. They are achieving an
exceptional standard. Their work demonstrates great intellect and knowledge, as well as
outstanding creativity and flair.
80-89: (Exceptional)
As per 70-79 and going beyond the remit of the assessment brief in terms of originality, depth,
perspicacity, and excellent use of language.
70-79: (Excellent)
Work will show in depth knowledge across the areas in question, and candidates will express
themselves clearly and accurately. Work will demonstrate a consistent understanding of the
significant details, and will show that the candidate has been able to apply their learning to key
underlying concepts and important contemporary developments subjects in the music industry.
There should be very little or no issues with fundamental requirements, e.g. use of language,
clarity, referencing etc.
60-69: (Very Good)
All elements of the assessment are executed to a good standard. One or more the elements may
require improvement, yet this is not to any significant detriment of the overall clarity and logic of
the work.
50-59: (Good)
All elements of the assessment are of an acceptable standard. One or more of the elements
require improvement and have had a more significant impact on the overall clarity and logic of the
work. However, the student has demonstrated a good understanding of the assessment brief and
may have completed most of the elements of the assessment to a competent level.
40-49: (Satisfactory)
The overall clarity and logic of the work has been significantly compromised in at least one of the
assessment elements. However, the student has demonstrated a fair understanding of the
assessment brief and may have completed some of the elements of the assessment to a
competent level.
20-39: (Below Standard)
The work is under the standard required. It contains significant and unacceptable errors, either in
the specifics of the assignment brief, and/or in fundamental requirements, e.g. use of language,
clarity, referencing etc.
1-19: (Unacceptable)
The work is significantly below the standard required. It contains numerous significant and
unacceptable errors in several areas in the specifics of the assignment brief, and in fundamental
requirements, e.g. use of language, clarity, referencing etc.