Regular yogurt pankcake vs greek yogurt pancake


  • Introduction/Background section
    • Rationale for substitution
      • Not because a website said it was a good substitution
    • Nutrient comparison (table) with description
    • References (‘.gov’, ‘.edu’, ‘.org’)
  • Research question
  • Hypothesis
    • Educated guess – must match what you are testing
  • Methods
    • Recipe
      • Substitution clearly indicated (control vs. test)
    • Description of how hypothesis was tested (e.g. sensory testing)
  • Results
    • State findings
      • Means, descriptors
      • Table
    • Discussion
      • Did you prove/disprove your hypothesis?
      • How do you explain differences between the control and test recipes? Or how do you explain the lack of differences between the control and test recipes?
        • Use information learned in class
        • Not looking for references – want to see how can incorporate what discussed in class into explanation
      • References
        • Cite in introduction/background & method sections

Grading Considerations

  • All sections/components included
  • Incorporation of feedback from parts 1 & 2
  • Hypothesis
    • Can be tested as stated
    • Relates to research question
  • Introduction/background
    • Rationale provided
    • Appropriate use of references
  • Methods
    • Recipe provided, substitution clearly indicated
    • Description of evaluation (e.g. sensory testing) provided
  • Results
    • Clearly stated
  • Discussion
    • Thoughtful/accurate description of processes involved
      • Appropriate logic, major factors not overlooked
    • References included
      • Cited in introduction/background, methods


Here are sources I chose that I would like to be used for the paper:


For more information about sensory testing: