Assignment, , must contain a cover page in APA 6th Ed. format with running head, page number, your name, date submitted, course number, my name, and title of your paper.


Readings: Ethics for Health Professionals Chap 5, Ethics and the Workplace
Learning Objectives: Be able to describe laws surrounding employment in healthcare; what to do if you are a victim of discrimination; how to find the code of ethics related to your profession; the medical practice acts; ethical issues surrounding the healthcare workplace; how to report an ethics violation; the progressive discipline technique.

Activities:Read Chapter 5 and review Power Point Slides.
Located the article, Workplace Bullying among Healthcare Workers, Montez, Antonio Ariza-Montes
See Assignment Tab for specific instruction. Students may continue to work with same group members or may request to be assigned to a new group. A student may be randomly added to a group at the instructor’s discretion.

Group Assignment Question Read the Case Study: Reporting Professional Misconduct found on Page 99 of your Textbook. Your next written group assignment will have similar undertones ethical issues. You were just hired as the Senior Healthcare Administrator (Ethical Compliance Division) for the hospital. You have just put a team together from your office to discuss this issue. Your team will present a formalwritten report, prepared in the FIRAC format, to the Chief of Administration (your boss) to present to the Executive Board of Administration. See BB Assignment tab for more detail information regarding this scenario. Using the FIRAC format, discuss the ethical and legal principles you’ve learned from chapters 1 through 5 and other research materials, to present this report. Having used the Three STep Ethical Decision making model before, you are sure that this model will help to identify and advocate an ethical approach to the issues you identify and result in making ethical conclusions and recommendations. You must use a minimum of 6 authoritative resources, none of which include your textbook. (Note: you may cite the textbook but it is not counted as one of the 6 required resources).
See your Assignment Tab for specific instructions on completing this assignment.
Due: Oct 23, NLT 11:30 p.m.
Assignment: 25%

Patrice has been working at Dorfelk hospital, Va. for 8 years as a labatory tech. He has a B.S. degree in Labatory and Science studies from Old Domian University. Patrick has never hid the fact that he was working to save money for the gender reassignment surgery as he is transitioning. Patrick underwent surgery reassignment 6 months ago and is now a transexual. Patrick chose to keep the name, Patrice, after the surgery. Patrice’s co-workers in the lab department were aware of his plan and it never caused an issue within his work space. Patrice was always vocal about his views on human rights. When he joined a local LGBTQIA group that opposes a candidate who is supported by Dorfelk hospital, Patrice was transferred to work in the tissue collection clinic. He was advised that they were shorthanded in that department and he was needed to “plus up” the staffing. While there, Patrice shared with the coworkers of his recent gender assignment success and that he finally felt right in a male body. However, shortly thereafter, Patrice noticed that when he arrived at work in the mornings, the door to the department would be locked and he would have to wait up to 20 minutes before anyone would respond to his loud knocking on the door before he would be allowed him entry. This often caused him to be reported late on multiple occasions. Eventually, he was disciplined and then reprimand for tardiness. Patrice also noticed that he would not be invited out for lunch with the other male workers in the department and that often, they would whisper behind his back when he passed but could not hear what was being said. On one occasion, Patrice found a picture on his desk of a woman that had a mustache drawn on her face. No one ever said anything derogatory to Patrice, so he didn’t feel like he should say anything to anyone and further alienate his coworkers. He thought this was just a temporary hazing situation. Despite that, he did find himself distracted while running the lab work.

One day while Patrice announced that he was taking a bathroom break, his male co-worker stated he needed to use the ladies room as the “guys” were not comfortable using the facilities with him. Patrice decided to tell the clinic supervisor, Ms. Smythe. The clinic supervisor, being a woman, stated she was not comfortable with Patrice using the female bathroom and it would be best that he use a bathroom in another area of the hospital. Three days later,

Patrice was transferred and demoted from tissue lab processor to a position in the Sterile Processing Department (SPD) to sanitize and make up surgical trays. Nonetheless, his pay remained the same. Patrice was told that this transfer was for “business reason” as they were concerned that his “situation” might affect the quality of his lab and a liability to patient care. They had to place the patient care as a priority. This time, upon arrival to the new department, Patrice decided he would not mention anything about his gender reassignment and wanted to keep it private. While there, Patrice learned that the workers in the Tissue clinic had gossiped and shared with the folks in SPD that “he was a girl in a man’s body”. Thereafter, Patrice would get long stares and smirking when he entered the room which would continue throughout the day. On several occasions, one of the Senior, most respected, female nurses came into SPD to collect a tray, passed and pinched Patrice on the butt while two other male workers witnessed and laughed. His coworkers in SPD stated that they were glad Patrice has such a good sense of humor. Patrice was very much offended but decided not to show his real feelings and laughed it off.

You have just been hired as the Supervisor, Patient Administration. Patient Administration is responsible for many departments in the hospital, including the lab, tissue bank clinic and SPD. After a few days on the job, Patrice approaches you in the cafeteria to welcome you. He further states that he is relieved that you have been hired because he feared that had he complained about the situation to the previous Supervisor, he would have been fired. He stated that the doctors refuse to acknowledge him in the hospital and that they consistently send the trays he prepares with his signature code back as “unsatisfactory”. He is confident that his trays are properly prepared. He is thinking that he should file an “anonymous” complaint because he doesn’t want it to get back that he complained for fear of retaliation. He already has to go up 3 floors away from his workspace to use the restroom near a broom closet across from the hospital boiler room, so as not to offend any of the co-workers using the bathroom near his workspace. There is one other worker in the hospital that self-identifies as homosexual. She has told Percy that it is only going to get worse. No one is going to speak up for him and if he values his job, he better just go along to get along. As well, one of the other nurse named Lisa, who has worked in the hospital for 10 years, has approached you to complain that Patrice stares at her and it is also making her uncomfortable. She has rights and does not want to work or provide care to anyone who is a part of the LGBT movement as it is against her religion.

After leaving Patrice, you decided to put a team together to address the ethical issues presented to you as a result of Patrice and now, Lisa’s reporting this matter. You discover, the hospital does not have an ethical policy regarding the LGBT community in the workspace. You realize you are going to have to not only educate the Board on the legal and ethical concerns presented by this situation but present a memo outlying the ethical issues presented by these two cases. The next major board meeting will be scheduled soon so you must work fast to research and develop your discussions to include: facts, ethical issues, any legal and ethical rules, principles and current policies in the healthcare workplace, present analysis, exercise critical thinking and make recommendations and conclusions to affect the Board’s decision. Remember to incorporate the Three Step Ethical Decision Making Model into your analysis and discussion. All memos generated to the Executive Board must be presented in a Memo format.


The use of the FIRAC format for the and CHP 400 class.
Facts* Write a brief summary of the facts requires that you focus on information that will help to support your analysis. It is essentially the “what happened” in the story or scenario. A story or scenario will have lots of information, some of which is relevant to you point while other information adds no value to the conversation. Eliminate facts that are not relevant to your analysis. For example, a business’s street address is probably not relevant to whether the patient fell from the bed and therefore, the care provided was not only unethical but negligent. However, suppose the nurse who was attending to the patient was looking out the window at the time the patient fell, then the fact that there was some commotion in the busy street may be relevant to the time the patient allegedly fell from the bed; or , if the hospital is located in a remote section of town and the nurse stated that she could not have been looking out the window allegedly at a busy street, then that may be a fact that may have relevance on the matter if the patient fell. Instead of including the street address in the summary of facts, you may want to simply describe what was stated and by whom, then cite the conversation. (Again, the time of day would be another relevant factor in this analysis, among others). Facts can and often do include chronological history of an event). For example, the hospital received a call requesting supplies just prior to the inventory delivery; however, according to Dr. Zobel, “because of the outbreak of the virus, the inventory was soon depleted” (Personal communication, Zobel, August 6, 2017).

Issue: What is the question presented to be resolved? Usually, only one or two main issues will be discussed, but sometimes there may be more. For our purpose, you should have at least one legal and one ethical issue at a minimum unless more is required. What about someone actions represent a legal or/and ethical issues and which legal or ethical issue is in question. For example, in the case of a patient being assaulted by a staff member in the nursing home, the issue may be whether slapping the patient while the patient was being combatant was an intention act? Or, whether the hospital is liable for the acts of their employees? From an ethical perspective, the issue might be whether the patient’s right to autonomy was violated when she refused to get into the wheel chair to be transported for her blood tests or whether the nurse’s insistence on getting out of the bed was an act of malfeasance ? The answer to the question will be developed during your analysis

Rule: IN this discussion, you will provide the reader an understanding of the “terminology”. Thus, what is the meaning of autonomy or one’s right to autonomy. Or what is the definition or elements of an assault. It is important that you cite authoritative resources for these definitions. For example, the business is liable for negligently failing to provide security patrols: whether the defendant owed plaintiff a duty of care, and what that duty of care is, are the key issues in a negligence claim. Rule discussion helps the reader determine what the relevant rules of law or ethical principles used to arrive at a conclusion. The reader will have examined the facts you identified as relevant in light of the rule, and probably considered all “sides” of the arguments and your presentation in the analysis discussion. How you applied the rule to the facts and analyzed the scenario must be understood in order to properly support your conclusion and recommendations. Thus, what you consider to be a relevant fact given the rule of law will be examined closely?

Analysis: Resist the temptation to merely repeat the facts unless it relates to the issue and rules: what does it mean to you? Summarize your facts or only refer to the facts when it supports your reasoning. If you are using facts in your analysis that was NOT identified and cited in your Factual discussion, then it is not a fact. If you encounter that you omitted a fact necessary for the critical thinking and analysis, go back and insert the fact into your factual discussion. The analysis is the crux of demonstrating to the reader how you are applying critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your conclusion.

Conclusion What is the response to the questions you asked in the Issue Section of the memo. Here you can apply the Three step Ethical Decision Making model or you may alternatively use the “Analysis” discussion to complete the analysis) the final outcome of the case? Note: This section should not take more than a couple of sentences, if you discussed the Ethical Decision Making Model in the analysis section of your memo. DO NOT RESTATE THE FACTS.
When providing the conclusion discussion, be brief and succinct. Do not overstate the matter to be decided. For example, … given that the patient sustained an injury from one of the hospital staff members, malfeasance was demonstrated in violation of the ethical principle, deontology. Therefore, the nurse’s action was unethical.

Writing expectations.

(1) Critical thinking and analysis – to include identification and integration of relevant facts, issues and that the legal and ethical principles applied to a specific setting or scenario is reasoned; also that the integration of facts and principles must be used to support logical conclusions and recommendations. Maximum credit up to 0-34% (2) Substantive ethical content- to include proper use of ethics terminology, concepts, theories and principles related to the problem or scenario; Note: Simply stating an ethical theory will not earn credit Authoritative resources are demonstrated by quality research. Able to correctly identify, define and discuss ethical principles, universal values in ethical decision making; and to demonstrate in writing, the steps in the process for ethical decision making; demonstrate and use the process for ethical decision making while utilizing the models for ethical decision making discussed in the reading materials.. Maximum credit up to 0-33% (3) Organization -Writing mechanics – Excellent flow of content, use of language, ability to transition key elements in the discussion. Grammar must reflect collegiate level vocabulary-to include but not limited to: spelling, punctuations, or use of word choice; the ability to follow directions and instruction for completing the assignment. Complete assignment using proper FIRAC format; Reflect proper use of the APA 6th rules for citations and formatting discussion in assignments.