Which research design(s) will you adopt for your topic (experimental, cross-sectional, longitudinal, case study, or comparative). Your answer must be two parts. First, which design(s) are selected and why (300 words minimum),  b-then explain why the other design(s) not selected are not suitable for your project (200 words minimum).

Assignment 3: Research design
Consider the topic you selected for your research project with this course, and define the following items:
1. a-Which research design(s) will you adopt for your topic (experimental, cross-sectional, longitudinal, case study, or comparative). Your answer must be two parts. First, which design(s) are selected and why (300 words minimum),
b-then explain why the other design(s) not selected are not suitable for your project (200 words minimum).

2. Your research must include both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Explain how each approach is relevant to your planned research, explaining which one is likely to be more beneficial. Consider the preoccupations in each approach, particularly the objective-subjective relation. Explain your plan in applying the two approaches at the same time or one after the other and why either way. (300 words minimum).

3. Explain how you plan to ensure quality in terms of reliability (stability, internal reliability, and inter-rater reliability), and validity (face, concurrent, predictive, construct, convergent, and discriminant). (200 words minimum).

4. Explain the concepts you defined for your research, and if each concept requires one or more variable to measure (200 words minimum). The concepts stand for things the research wants to explain and give the basis for measuring variables (see chapters 7 in particular).

5. Explain the samples applicable for your study for both quantitative and qualitative approaches (population vs samples, probability vs non-probability, expected sampling errors, For probability sampling explain which ones are applicable in your project (simple random, systematic, stratified, clusters) and also for non-probability sampling (convenience, snowball, quota, purposive). (300 words minimum).

Note: This assignment covers chapters 3, 7, 8, 17, and 18.

Summary about my field of work and a few pointers.
In my research project, my position in the organization will be of a senior purchasing officer in Supply Chain Management. My topic for this research project “is examining delays in the delivery of items under supply management”.
Currently, I work as Senior Purchasing Officer in the purchasing department of Tawam hospital.
This hospital is a part of a network of public hospitals under the ownership of the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi.
In our organization we run every month report calling (Over Due PO’S) meaning all the purchasing order delays from suppliers.In cases, the first step is to contact the suppliers to deliver the items A.S.A.P .if he accepts, he schedules for delivery but also we retain a certain percentage from their payment a penalty..
If the supplier rejects to deliver, then we buy from other supplier against his account.