Research essay

Research essay


You are to create a research question or thesis surrounding the issues associated with attachment and bonding.   You will begin by demonstrating an understanding of the theories and content learned in class [ nurture/nature, classical and operant conditioning, Harlow, Bowlby and Ainsworth, Erikson, Freud, Piaget ] as well as contemporary studies and theories surrounding attachment and bonding in the first years of life.  You may focus on special interests, social, cultural or economic factors, future considerations, or special conditions surrounding adoption, non-traditional families or issues caused by abuse or neglect to mention a few. Choose one major condition and create a focused research analysis as well as consider predictions, effects and solutions associated with your chosen focus.


To receive full marks for your paper it must be: 4 pages in length [double spaced] and must include obvious connections to the criteria listed above.  You must include all resources [print and online] at the end of your paper.  You will also need to complete a midpoint teacher conference where you must demonstrate you research progress as well as completed work.