Research Paper

Short Essay   For your final paper, you will be writing about a topic that was at its inception or peak during the first part of the 20th century, from 1900 to 1920. For this paper, you will begin that research and write a 3-page introductory paper into this topic. It’s important that you want to explore this topic. If you don’t like it, you will have difficulty focusing on both this and the longer paper. If you Google timelines of that period, you will find a plethora of ideas to choose from.   You can choose a person, place, event, invention, etc. Please understand that the end of your final project will explain the connection between your topic and the world of 2018, so be sure you can make that connection. For example, many of the Amendments to the Constitution were ratified during this time period. You can choose one, research the hows and whys, who was involved in getting it ratified, and why it matters today that it was ratified.   In this 3-page paper, you will begin the exploration. This will be your preliminary, surface-scratching research. For this, you may use Google searches. You are permitted to get a general overview of the topic from Wikipedia, but Wikipedia can be only a preliminary source and not the premier source of your information.   You will need a minimum of 3 sources for this paper. If you find others, hold onto them for your expanded paper.   The paper needs to be 3 full pages (maximum of 4 full pages), typed in 11 or 12 pt. font, double-spaced, with standard margins all around.   This paper is due on March 12. I already have my thesis statement done but you can switch it around or add to it if you feel need to but I want the topic to generally stay the same. I will upload it as a file later but right now I’m on my phone so I can only screenshot it