Research Paper on Endocytosis and Exocytosis

The research paper is to be a report on a selected area of current interest in molecular and cellular biology. A list of possible topics will be provided, however, the student select and alternate topic with the instructor’s approval.

The criteria for writing the paper are as follows:
• Papers are to be typed, using one-inch margins, double spacing, and 12-point Times New Roman font. The paper must be at least four pages long (excluding references). The format of references will adhere to APA style. A concise guide to APA style can be found on-line at

• The general information to be included in the report is outlined in the following grading scheme:
o Sufficient introductory and/or background information about the topic – 10 points
o Detailed discussion of the topic – 10 points
o Inclusion of current research concerning the topic – 10 points
o Appropriate types and numbers of references – 10 points
o An additional 10 points will be assigned for proper spelling, grammar, and overall coherence, as well as consistent and correct reference style within the paper and on the the References page

• The paper must cite at least five references; at least four of these must come from professional journals, such as, Science, Nature, or Cell. (Magazines such as Newsweek, Time, Scientific American, etc., are not professional journals.) The textbook may be used as a reference; however, it will not count as a professional reference. Excessive use of Internet resources, unless they are scholarly, will reduce the points on the paper. Any questions regarding the suitability of the references should be directed to the instructor.

Papers from scientific research journals should always be referenced as such. It does not matter if you accessed the paper on the Internet or in an Internet database.

• The rough draft of the research paper is due no later than the beginning of class on October 17. The paper will be submitted by uploading it to the appropriate section of the D2L. PLEASE NOTE, the rough draft, while it may still need major editing, must be a complete paper, with appropriate and complete references. If the rough draft is not submitted by the deadline, a failing grade (zero) will be given for the assignment. Comments by the instructor will be returned to the submitters by October 24. Students may meet with the instructor during this week (October 17) to discuss aspects of their paper prior to final submission.

• The final draft of the paper is due in the Canvas Dropbox no later than the beginning of class on Thursday, October 31. Papers will not be accepted after the deadline. The paper will be graded according to the criteria stated above.

• Plagiarism in any form will result in a grade of zero on this assignment. Please note that, although plagiarism takes many forms, one common form is the tendency to cut and paste wholesale sections of Internet resources into a research paper. When the bulk of a paper consists of lifted sections of another author’s words, then that constitutes plagiarism, whether or not these sections have been cited. The point of a research paper is the assimilation of information from various resources, summarization of concepts, and synthesis of interconnections of concepts or new ideas. It is not an exercise in cutting and pasting. For further information of plagiarism, please consult the Learning Center at