Research paper: (Topic: Glass Ceilings, specifically for women and minorities) Identify audience and purpose before beginning the process of writing an essay. Develop and organize the topic sentences, the supporting details and specific evidence that support the thesis and essay. Write an essay, approximately 1,250 words. Include 4 to 7 relevant, quality sources in your works cited page.

This is actually a bulk order for several different papers. The list is as follows:

Character Evolution essay: Explain how a character from a novel, film, television show, or another medium of your choice evolves—either good or bad—from the beginning to the end of the story.Your introduction will provide a brief synopsis of the story and then smoothly transition into the last sentence of your introduction—the thesis statement. Next, you will develop at least three body paragraphs, each dedicated to one example (such as a scene) in your chosen medium that serves as support for your thesis claim. Finally, you will compile a conclusion paragraph that synthesizes your findings. 500 word minimum.

Compare/Contrast essay: (Topic: Capital gains vs. Dividends) Write an essay comparing or contrasting the two topics using EITHER the point-by-point OR the subject-by-subject method to organize the details and specific examples. Consider focusing on three to five subtopics and generate ideas through prewriting. Develop a strong thesis statement for your essay that includes your two topics from the list above; your three to five subtopics; and a claim about how they are similar, different, or both. 500 word minimum. At least three credible sources.

Persuasive Letter: (Topic: Persuading sister to vaccinate her child) Construct a letter focused on persuading the reader to change his or her stance or opinion. Appeal to your reader in an emotional manner using appropriate language and strategies such as motivation, inspiration, etc., to write a personal, passionate letter in an effort to get your reader to agree with your perspective. Kindly play off the reader’s emotions to draw him or her into your argument. Make sure your appeals are legitimate and straightforward so that you avoid using logical fallacies in your efforts. Use letter format, provided at the end of these instructions, and begin with an introduction that explains your topic. Make a fluid transition into the thesis where you issue your opinion as well as three reasons that support your claim. Present and argue each of the three reasons in three separate body paragraphs. Finish with a conclusion that summarizes your appeals and makes one final effort to sway your reader. Underline your thesis statement. 750 words.

Argumentative Essay: Develop a thesis statement built upon whether or not technology promotes loneliness. You should focus on either one form of hardware or one type of software. For example, you could target cell phones or laptops. If you want to look more into software, you could narrow your discussions to one type of social media or one gaming app. Develop at least three strong arguments in addition to a counterargument and refutation. This organization should yield four body paragraphs. Be sure to support claims with a point or two of researched data, followed by mostly original material that helps to explain how your research supports your claims as well as provides new insights and perspectives. Conclude each paragraph with a sentence that synthesizes the paragraph’s main ideas. *Note that a thorough thesis statement will include the counterargument in addition to your own arguments, but be sure to frame your counterargument as the opposition’s opinion so that readers do not think that you are changing your stance. Use at least three credible sources, such as books, articles, and websites, to support your thesis. Include a mix of cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotes in your argumentative research paper. Use MLA format to create proper parenthetical citations as well as a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. Essay should be 750 words (not including Works Cited page).

Research paper: (Topic: Glass Ceilings, specifically for women and minorities) Identify audience and purpose before beginning the process of writing an essay. Develop and organize the topic sentences, the supporting details and specific evidence that support the thesis and essay. Write an essay, approximately 1,250 words. Include 4 to 7 relevant, quality sources in your works cited page.

Annotated Bibliography for Research paper: Review four potential sources for your research paper project (Topic: Glass ceilings), and select two to explore further, with at least one qualifying as a periodical. This assignment does not follow the standard introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion format; instead, you will simply create three well-developed paragraphs per source, each with a specific objective, for six paragraphs total. For each of your two chosen resources, you will summarize the material, assess the source’s content, and reflect on its value for your research paper project. Some sources are long and contain main ideas and subtopics, so be sure to focus your assignment on ideas that are relevant to your research paper topic. On the line under your title, but left-aligned on the page, include your proposed research essay’s thesis so that graders can provide some preliminary feedback. Assignment should be approximately 500 words. Work cited list for any sources used. Underline thesis statement in introductory paragraph.