Research Project Assignment

The Assignment:

You will write a 6 – 8 page persuasive research paper in which you use limited research.  You will be required to use at least three of the essays in Chapter 14 of the Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy textbook and two other sources that you choose and have approved by your instructor, for a total of five sources.  These sources must come from the E.W. King Library databases.



The topic for this paper is bias in the media. You will need to determine if you believe that the media is biased or if it is not biased. While most of your sources will come from the textbook for this class, you will be doing some research to find two other sources that support your stance on the topic.



You will be engaging in both guided research (essays in Chapter 14 of the text) and your own personal research in the E.W. King Library databases. Remember that these sources must be approved.



Your research should support an original, argumentative, well‐crafted thesis statement.


You should cite at least five sources. Remember that:

  • Three of your sources must come from the textbook, and
  • Two of the sources must come from the E.W. King Library databases.


The order of pages in your paper, saved as a single MS Word file, should be:


(1) Title page

(2) Outline page with title and thesis. (This page does not count in the 6‐8 page limit)

(3) The body of the paper. (6‐8 pages)

(4) You should use proper MLA documentation. Failure to document as required is plagiarism and will be dealt with severely. Plagiarism will result in failure of the project and most likely failure of the class. If in doubt, consult me.

(5) A Works Cited page formatted according to MLA requirements. (Does not count toward 8‐10 pages).





In order to pass English 1115, you must earn a passing grade on the research paper. Failure to follow the guidelines in this assignment will result in a loss of points on the final grade and may result in failure of the research project and course.