Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

Final Research Essay:
The final essay consists of a (Part I) 1-2 page critique and (Part II) a 4-5 page persuasive analysis essay of an issue drawn from a textbook source and argued through research. Both parts of the essay require a Works Cited list and correct documentation of sources throughout the essay.

*Part I – 1 – 2 pgs: Write a Critique:
Choose an essay, story, or poem from our textbook Patterns. The story I chose is called “What Price Football?” by Don Banks and is posted below. You may use a poem or short story or any essay that has a controversy discussed or implied in the work. A controversy has at least two clear sides which you must be able to distinctly define. For example, in the poem “Sadie and Maude” (p. 428 Patterns) references education. From this poem you might identify a controversy about women’s in predominately male fields of science and technology.

**For Part I, write a one paragraph summary of the work from the textbook followed by a structured critique of the work based on the instructional steps in the handout, “Writing a Critique.” After the summary, the critique will analyze how the issue is presented and evaluate how convincing the author’s position. Part I, the critique, should be in correct MLA style, 1-2 pages double-spaced with in-text citations from the work in the textbook to support your claims. Include full-text proper citation of the work.

For the Proposal – a short paragraph:

• Following the instructions on the Final Project assignment, identify the work and author
from the textbook, Patterns, from which you will draw your controversial issue.

• Then, identify the controversy, both pro and con, that you will research and on which you will take a position. For me to accept your controversy, you will need to write the controversy in terms of a debate. Your view may be a combination of the sides of the debate, but it needs to be clearly identified as a position. In addition, say which specific areas of the controversy you will research. You may not have established your position yet, but the controversy has to be made clear.

Annotated Bibliography – include 3 of the required 5 sources:

• An annotated bibliography is a list of sources you will use in your essay with a brief summary for each source (the annotation).

• The sources must be correctly formatted and alphabetized. The summary of about 7-10 sentences should follow each citation. Only 3 of the required 5 sources need be included in this list.

As a reminder, most of your sources should be database sources, hard copy print, or a source that has been previously in print, like a NY Times story. Only ONE good Web site source is permitted. All sources for the proposal must be correctly formatted and summarized.

Use formatting for your citations that is appropriate to your subject – either MLA or APA. The format style you choose needs to be consistent throughout your essay, both in-text and on the Works Cited page.