A resilient and artistic 43 yr old male who suffers from chronic back pain due to an injury on his construction job 7 years prior has recently moved from a 90 day residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre to a group-home setting for 6 months and was then assisted in independent living in a single-room-only low income establishment in downtown Toronto.

This project is the culmination of your learning and experiences throughout this course and your placement. The purpose is to combine your learning in a holistic manner and apply the skills you have learned in a mock case study that you create. You are to choose only from the case studies provided in Exercise 4. Sign-up on the list provided by the instructor as spaces for each case study are limited. You can do this individually or in pairs. If you do this project in pairs, you must complete a Team Contract and submit it to the instructor by week 6.
Using your chosen case study from Exercise#4 develop the “story” or “biography” or “biopsychosocial history” of your client (this was done in Exercises #4a, #4b, 5a-5f. The elaboration of your biography is individual work and your story should not reflect other class-group members’ work in prior classwork, this will be considered “cheating”. You will present a comprehensive psychosocial assessment or biography which is in prose format and a minimum of 2 pages double spaced in length. Use Summer’s information on creating a psychosocial history or Spindel’s article on biographies as a guideline. You must choose only one approach. You will identify your clients strengths using a strengths inventory and identify your client’s perceive issue or problem and his or her desired goals, this was completed in Exercise 4a and 4b. You will add your client’s barrier chart which was completed in Excercises 4b,5c-f. You will demonstrate your understanding of your client’s goals in an individualized care plan of 3 domains based on the information in the case study (you completed this in exercise 6) and the information you may have created for client’s medical doctor/corrections facility/ hospital/ residential rehabilitation centre/ group home etc. You will complete this plan choosing the 3 domains that you and your client believe take priority. You may enhance your case file using relevant forms provided for you In classes. You will complete the necessary forms expected in your case study’s case file which may include but is not limited to:
• Medical information (doctor’s notes, scans-make it up-tests, medications etc)
• Financial information (taxes, SIN, rental info, tenant agreements etc)
• Psychoeducational assessments (WISC, WAISR, other relevant data ADD, ADHD etc)
• Substitute Decision Maker paperwork (Custody, POA, Committeeship, PGT)
• Criminal record and history of convictions (convictions, parole info, corrections plan)
• Mood Assessments, mental health diagnoses (BDI, BAI, SDS, children’s anxiety scale, DSM5)
• Other psychological assessments where relevant
• Medication administration record (make it up)
• History of domestic violence issues (convictions, pending court cases, bonds, restraining orders)
• Custody Orders, Power of Attorney, Subsitute Decision Maker, File release of information form (PHIPA)
• Informed consent checklist and form signed
• Release of Confidentiality form, signed
• Other forms as discussed in class (ODSP, Ontario Works, Housing Application, Immigration/Citizenship applic)
• Create a genogram, ecological system diagram, and a medicine wheel for your client (this was completed in Exercise 5c-f)
In addition you will complete an intake assessment or engagement questions form and a follow up plan with the appropriate assessment forms for the case study you choose (completed in class week 6). You will create 3 “progress notes” for the file (1. At intake, 2. At service plan session, 3. At Dishcharge) and include at 3 community or medical referrals that you send out (use your agency referral forms or Summer’s forms or make your own) based on your community resources chart (completed in Exercise 7). Finally, you will complete a standard government form for income assistance, or housing assistance, or personal care and support, or community functional assessment (CHA), or disability coverage, or immigration or refugee application, or citizenship application and one intake form (short or long). If there is a risk identified in your case study, a risk assessment and safety plan are expected to be included in your case file.
In your Connecting to Community Resources section, You will provide 3 appropriate agencies referrals for you client with real contact information, waitlist information and fee for service information where applicable (this was completed in Exercise 7 in class).
Please use a black 1” binder to submit your file with all forms in the appendices. YOUR FULL NAME MUST BE ON THE SPINE OF THE BINDER AND ON THE FACE OF THE BINDER COVER
Case File Project Rubric
Exceptional Work
(9-10) Above Expectations
(7-8) Meets Expectations
(6) Meets the Minimum Expectations
(4-5) Gaps demonstrated in knowledge
(2-3pts) Does not understand/
An intake form with vital statistics and contact information from an empowerment framework is present
An informed Consent form is present and completed & release of information form is present and signed
A biography or psychosocial history is completed
A genogram is included
A Ecological Model of Client is included
A Medicine Wheel of Client’s strengths is included
A complete strengths & Barrier inventory is included
A service plan with 3 domains is complete with risk issues identified and prioritized within the plan in relevant domains
3 referral forms (face sheets) are provided with accurate information
File has necessary and appropriate referral data forms completed (minimum 3)
There are 3 legal progress note entries with empowerment language
The Connecting to Community Resources is complete in the 3 domains covered in the plan
At least one relevant standard government form is completed correctly
Necessary legal and appropriate forms are attached
Professional submission: apa citations, organized, no spelling or grammar errors; clear, complete information
Total out of 150 Total out of 30
Each task or skill is evaluated out of 10pts, there are 15 tasks/skills in total being evaluated for 150pts total Note: more than 70% of grading falling in the grey area could result in a fail in your project.
this is what i choice e) A resilient and artistic 43 yr old male who suffers from chronic back pain due to an injury on his construction job 7 years prior has recently moved from a 90 day residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre to a group-home setting for 6 months and was then assisted in independent living in a single-room-only low income establishment in downtown Toronto. He is unhappy with his current living environment as it is “unsafe and unhygienic”. He cannot move out yet due to his income limitations. His goals are to be gainfully employed, live independently, and continue his sober journey away from pain medications while still coping with his chronic pain issues. His ODSP is not enough to afford more than what he has now and cannot find other housing as he is often refused once he declares his ODSP status and that he has no employer. He has been trained as a master carpenter on his reserve in Sault St. Marie, which he left 20 years ago. His parents have since died and his siblings are dispersed over Canada in remote places working as artists or scholars. He has only email contact with them as they all move around so much. He reports was married for 7 years and has one daughter who is now 18yrs old from whom he became estranged 5 years ago during his addiction process to his prescribed medications (Oxycontin). His wife filed for divorce 5 years ago and retained sole custody without contest from him. He has written several letters to his ex-wife and daughter of apology and requesting reconciliation and has only recently received an email from his ex-wife inquiring about his recovery process and an update of his daughter who is in Nippissing University on a full scholarship studying Indigenous art and history. He receives some financial assistance through the insurance settlement and ODSP but, much of this has been spent on his residential rehab program which cost him almost $1000/day before he could get into the program on the OHIP coverage. His back pain continues to prevent him from working at jobs that require manual labour ie lifting, carpentry, renovations etc. He finished high school prior to apprenticing to become a master carpenter, a craft at which he has been working for the past 20yrs. Prior to his accident, he often worked on commissioned projects along with private contracts and was well-known in the GTA and abroad for his artistry and craftsmanship. He currently volunteers at the local Indigenous community centre in Toronto teaching adolescents First People’s art and history and basic carpentry skills. He is highly respected by the staff and members of the community centre. He reports no prior thoughts of hurting himself or others, “though I have been at my low points throughout my life”. He will not formally disclose his “status” and reports he refuses to use his status for a “hand-out” though identifying as Indigenous would provide him with more support and opportunities. You have developed a strong relationship with this client and he asks you to “friend him” on Facebook and LinkedIn…