Response to Ethics article

Most people have developed the thinking that ethics is only necessary in professional practice. Ethics is equally an important factor in education, particularly accounting programs because learners should be taught how to encourage and maintain ethical behavior as they interact with business leaders in the future. The study of ethics is accounting I believe is relevant in class teaching because of the nature of business ethics in the present which should be emphasized in every field. There should be no segregation on how males and females should be taught ethics. Ethics should be taught to both genders because when one group fails to keep up with trending ethical platforms, success is lost.

Reading the article ‘An exploratory Investigation of Effective Accounting Ethics CPE’, it is evident that ethics is not only the foundation of business success but a requirement of licensing. This means that accounting business licensing might not occur when the compliance team realizes lack of ethical competency. However, this strategy of focusing on licensing or rather compliance might not be effective because I think much focus should not be on compliance but the effectiveness of these ethics. I think effectiveness should come first before compliance as discussed in ‘An Exploratory Investigation of Effective Accounting Ethics CPE’ article.

The concept of good and bad is one that is very easy to understand and the society has since time immemorial set a standardized culture of what is wrong and right. However, in as much as there is a universal acceptance of that which is right and wrong, Africa may have a different understanding of both perspectives compared to America. Presently, it is evident in companies, relationships, our day to day interactions that people place more value on money than on people’s lives which is unethical not only in the world of business but also in the world of morality. It is of much importance that we all remember that life is more vital than money and respecting the lives of others is what makes us special as opposed to monetary wealth.