How does rhythm and meter contribute to the meaning of this poem?

Reader’s Journal: Reflection

The purpose of the Reader’s Journal is to provide you with a place to explore ideas, discuss reading, and ask questions about the texts you read for this course. The reader’s journal will ask you to reflect on the readings for the week with questions as prompts, but your response does not need to be in essay format. If it makes more sense to provide a bulleted list or outline, please do so. The language style in the reader’s journal can be more informal than your other writing assignments, but please be sure to use academic terms and ideas from the reading to support your ideas. When referring to the “events of the story”, call it “plot” so as to familiarize yourself with the academic vocabulary of literature.

Assignment Instructions

Reflect upon your experiences in this class. (During the eight, we have learned about

Plot and Point of View, Tone, Style, and Diction, Setting, Characters, and Mood, Poetry,

Greek Drama. I collected some of the assignments I did, so you have an idea to make conclusion)

  • What are the most important things that you learned?
  • What do you wish you learned?
  • How has your understanding of literature, or your enjoyment of literature, changed in the past 8 weeks?


  • Page count: 2 – 3
  • APA Formatted Reference page (if needed)


The authors, Jacob, and Wilhelm Grimm, of the story Godfather Death, makes a good use third person omniscient point of view. With this view, the narrator can know what characters are thinking about at each scenario. I believe this was the best point of view considered to tell the story effectively. Besides, this point of view makes the story easy to read and understand. In the story a poor and with a large family he is unable to provide for all his children. Therefore, he is forced to seek help for the last born. The story is all about looking for appropriate help according to the poor man choices and understanding of which is good help appears interesting, but he is destined to accomplish his needs. The plot of the story is about the poor man looking for a godfather to sustain the life of the thirteenth born child. This man is not willing to take any help he is specific and rejects help from God since he sees him as unfair to a human concerning the distribution of wealth and poverty. “Then I do not wish to have you for a godfather,” said the man. “You give to the rich, and let the poor starve.”(Jacob & Wilhelm). Instead, he decides to take the Death as his child’s godfather because Death claims to be equal on humanity with its power to take down the rich and poor.


Furthermore, Death promised to provide wealth and power to the poor man’s son. Death assured the man in the following statement “I will make your child rich and famous, for he who has me for a friend cannot fail.” Unfortunately, that is what happened to his son he met his death at an early age.

Tone, Style, and Diction Tone, style, and diction are powerful tools of the storyteller, and often under-appreciated by readers. Choose one of the stories that you read this week, and analyze the story for its tone, style, and diction



 Setting, Characters, and Mood(One of the most common ways that authors establish mood and tone is through the setting and characters of a story. While the who, where, and when of a story may not seem immediately “moody,” when you think about it, the efforts to describe the who, where and when of a story definitely create a mood for the tale.

Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use” takes place in the yard of the narrator and this is a clear indication that the narrator’s personal experiences inspire the story. The narrator is introspective keeps changing the mood throughout the story. The narrator begins the story by romanticizing the setting of the story. She says “A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know,” setting an elated and euphoric mood to the readers before she begins to changes the mood to describe the problems she had to endure. The mood of the story, however, changes to somber and melancholic as the narrator brings in the uncomfortable stuff. The author mentions that “Maggy will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs.”


The author has effectively established the mood in the story via the characters. At the beginning of the story, she uses the ecstatic narrator to express the overwhelming happiness of the yard but later sets an indifferent mood as the narrator (mama) brings forth the hardships she has gone through to educate her newly alienated daughter (Dee) who has made Maggie feel inferior. The author also effectively uses symbolism to establish the sad and despondent mood of the story. Maggie’s scars are used as a symbol to establish the pain and anguish that the African-Americans had to endure in the hands of “some careless, ignorant person rich enough to own a car,” especially in the period of slavery and racial discrimination.



The poem analyzed is Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” written by Adrianne Rich. Generally, the poem is about an oppressed woman who to a great extent escapes; thus into an alternative world of not only embroidery but also sewing despite her marriage to a harsh and extremely terrifying husband. Concerning this, after having suffered for years, Aunt Jenifer finally finds a positive way to express her artistic talents; hence, gaining freedom from her overly oppressive marriage.

How does rhythm and meter contribute to the meaning of this poem?

The poem “Auntie Jennifer’s Tigers” comprises of twelve lines, with about four lines in each of the three stanzas. Each of the poem’s stanza has two couplet all of which rhyme, concerning this, the three verses, end in a rhyme scheme of aabb, ccdd, eeff, moreover they also have a mixed iambic meter. Generally, the poem is written in a somewhat iambic pentameter; rhythm, with each line of the iambic pentameter having about five (penta-) syllable pairs. Furthermore, each of the pair also to a great extent includes not only an unstressed syllable but also a stressed one which tends to follow the unstressed syllable.  In relation to this the last two line of the poems stanza are in perfect iambic pentameter, however, despite this, the first tow line with regard to each stanza are always somewhat messy; thus in relation to rhythm.

Bother the meter rhythm and meter in the poem to a great extent help in telling the story of an oppressed woman primarily by not falling into a nice as well as neat super-conventional rhythm. Although the poem embraces a somewhat metrical pattern, it then bucks the pattern in an effort to illustrate the way Aunt Jennifer is not only trapped in a rigid system; which in this case is her marriage, but also to show how much she years to break loose of the rigid system; in this case through her tigers. Generally, the rhyme pattern aabb, ccdd, eeff, which in rigid, to a great extent mirrors the rigid life of Aunt Jennifer. Other ways in which both meter and rhythm create meaning of the poem is based on the fact that Adrianne Rich used them purposefully to not only set the tone of the poem but also get across ideas while also spurring the right kind of emotions, the meter also apart from setting the poem’s tone, it also establishes the overall mood of the poem. Furthermore, the meter also makes the poem appear formal and a bit aggressive.

How does rhythm and meter contribute to your enjoyment of this poem? What would the poem be like if it were exactly the same, but lacked the rhythmic elements?

Both rhythm and meter tend to have a major significance in engaging the flow the words, moreover, it also sets the tone of the poem but also spurs strong emotions in the reader while also passing across the ideas of what the poem is about. Rhythm in the poem also aids in making it musical; hence, enjoyable to listen to; since rhythm is considered to be one of the major dimensions of musical structure. Without meter and rhythm the poem would be boring, uninteresting and somewhat vague.

Why do so many poets choose to use rhythmic elements in their poems? What is it about our culture that appreciates and demands rhythm to poetry?

For decades, poets have utilized a variety of tools in an effort to achieve the desired effect, concerning this, perhaps one of the strongest tools used in poetry is rhythm. Concerning this, most poets are inclined to use rhythm in their poems due to the fact that rhythm sets poetry apart from what can be termed as normal speech; as such rhythm, created not only tone for the poem, but also enhances the overall ideas as well as emotions of the poem.

Furthermore, usage of rhythm in poems also creates a cyclical pattern which to a great extent reflects upon the events of a particular poem, the emphasis it also places; thus on particular worlds also aids in giving them prominence; hence, contributing to the overall meaning or rather theme of the poem. Furthermore, most poets also choose rhythm due to the fact that it also draws different lines as well as stanza’s consequently aiding in linking not only the images but also the ideas the author wishes to deliver in the poem.

In the contemporary culture, rhythm is considered as an inescapable element; thus with regard to poetry. Generally, different cultural conventions as well as literary history select what can be termed as varying requirements; thus from individual features of a language, however, rhythm tends to arise naturally from people’s desire for both regularity and shape in human affairs. The common belief that rhythm tends to sets a particular poem apart from normal or rather regular speech also promotes the usage of poetry.




Greek Drama One of the beautiful qualities of Greek drama is that it weaves fantastic characters and tales into an ancient setting, but many of the traits the characters embody resonate with modern readers.



(compare the first week understanding of literature)

Week 1 Reader’s Journal: How and Why We Read Literature

Reading literature is involves comprehending the points of view and the experiences of other individuals. How people infer educational information depends on what they have experienced in life before. The concept “why and how” people read is a motivating outline to why the study of literature is advantageous throughout the globe. However, this concept is as a result of its moment and is permeated with morals as well as readers’ expectations. Various languages are used to pass ideas of whatever is happening around the world in varied literal forms.

According to the YouTube video, the opinion of “how we read literature” has been answered by the speaker by highlighting that individuals use their experience to understand different texts. Therefore, we use our experience to connect various styles that are used in a text. Sufficient figurative narrative in the story enables those in distant places to comprehend thoughts that are presented to them by the author. Similarly, readers are required to use the same representative language to understand the message in the literature. The other instance concerning “how we read literature” is related to the critical reading of a text. Reading involves a thorough understanding of someone’s content and then framing it to further levels (“How and Why We Read: Crash Course English Literature #1 – YouTube”, n.d.). From the clip, interpretation requires commitment and interest of a person.

The second concern that is presented in the video is “why we read literature.” It is evident that people read literature for pleasure reasons. The speaker outlines that students read particular books for entertainment or sometimes refreshing their minds. Besides, the incident indicates that literature lowers depression in people. Secondly, we read literature for class purposes. The narrator speaks about why learners’ go through various texts to analyze phrases and different aspects of a language. Since literature occupies distinct concepts, people read it to clarify matters that seem to be challenging. Similarly, the concept explains that people read to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the class work.

The third reason why people read literature is for career purposes. Literature is used in different parts of the world. Some people study the concept so that they can develop into prolific future writers of books, articles, magazines, and many more (“How and Why We Read: Crash Course English Literature #1 – YouTube”, n.d.). Just like the speaker who is an author and an instructor, persons study the field of literature to become efficient authors. Similarly, literature contain entertainment. Therefore, people are encouraged to read literature so that they can entertain others through poems, tales, and other areas which are connected to literature in life.

Fourth, we read literature to promote effective communication with others. Since good communications require proper knowledge and content in a specific area, intensive reading of literature enables persons to pass ideas without contradicting with each other (“How and Why We Read: Crash Course English Literature #1 – YouTube”, n.d.). In line with communication, there are fewer conflicts when people have fully acquired knowledge in literature. Form the speaker, the content that is communicated between different groups must be in line with their philosophies, culture, and interest.

Summarily, how and why literature is read is determined by the content in a particular material. People choose the content to read depending on their interests and societal values. Instructors should play a significant role while directing learners on the kind of literature to pursue. Any literature that is provided to readers should aim at improving their status instead of devaluing them.



“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. Keep in mind that symbols do not always refer to objects, but characters and settings can also be symbolic. Identify three symbols or symbolic elements contained within the story. For each symbol, address the following issues:

  1. Describe the symbol itself. Where does it appear in the story?
  2. What is the significance in the story of the symbol?
  3. What does this person, setting, or object symbolize?
  4. What is the author’s purpose in including this symbol in the story?


The Lottery refers to a short story done by an American writer called Shirley Jackson. It gives a narrative on a small town caught up in some traditions that involved a deadly lottery most of the people who have forgotten the essence of their participation in the ceremony. The way this tale is plotted is very intriguing thus draws both love and loath in equal measure from its readers. In most instances, the author used symbols in order to present his message to the readers. Almost every aspect of the Lottery story is a symbol however, we shall only focus on three symbols.

The lottery

In paragraph four of page one, the Lottery is held every summer and it is carried out in the same place as other important traditions to the community. Lottery as used here represents those unquestioned traditions that exist in many of our societies, simple and unimportant like the Christmas to the most sinister like racism that are still a challenge today. In this story, the author tries to dissociate us from our comfortable cultures in order to bring out the dangers associated to some of these practices. The fact that, someone would be selected and brutally murdered by stoning at these ceremonies just shows how inhuman this tradition was and besides it wasn’t bringing any developments to the town’s folks a part from grief. Shirley therefore tries to uncover why some of these traditions ought to be abandoned. It also depicts how change doesn’t come easy; one man tells the Old man Warner that some towns have stopped the tradition and that they should be heading that way a suggestion he thinks is foolish. This is an example to show that change will always be met by opposition from those supporting the status quo and there may be dire consequences.


Paragraph six introduces some names which are also symbolic to the plot. We have the lottery being done annually, every summer and the person tasked to perform it is called Mr. Summers. Mr. Graves follows him to the town square where the event usually takes place; they alternate in keeping the box until next event. The author has intentionally used the two names in that arrangement to enable the readers to recognize the most important occurrence during this event. The two names further affirm that summer season usually brought death to this town. It was a custom in this town that one had to die at this annual practice and the two names one symbolizes the season (summer) while the other is the message that comes with it- death.

The stones

These were the tools used to execute the victims, showed how violent and barbaric the event was; stoning was used to carry out slow and painful death in the ancient times. These stone are arranged in one corner at the square before the ceremony commences and this could symbolize the innate cruelty residing within human beings. Mrs. Delacroix for instance, pretends to be friendly to Tessie while waiting for the draw but when she is named as the victim, Delacroix becomes so different. She shuts up Mrs. Tessie as she tries to complain and tells her to be a good sport. The choice of stone that she selects to use makes the reader realize how deep violence can be rooted in our hearts. The plot further tries to explain a society can be deeply entrenched in bad traditions to an extent that people lose their senses and moral values.


  1. Read “Godfather Death,” a short tale by the Brothers Grimm, in which the protagonist tries to cheat Death.
  2. Then, create a document where you identify each of the following Ten Literary Elements (listed below) with:
    1. definition (in your own words) applied to the story
    2. An example (in your own words)with a corresponding page number
      1. Conflict
      2. Exposition
      3. Protagonist
      4. Suspense
      5. Antagonist
      6. Crisis
      7. Foreshadowing
      8. Climax
      9. Conclusion or resolution
      10. Dramatic situation


Literary Elements


Conflict is the challenge presented to the main character, and s/he has to solve it to achieve his goals. In a story, there can be various obstacles which are both internal (within oneself) and external (against an external force). In the plot, the main character, the thirteenth child, conflicts with his godfather when he wants to save the king and his daughter but the latter wants the two dead (2).


Exposition is a literary device used by authors to give background information and describe the setting, events, and characters in a story to the readers. For instance, in the plot, the Brothers Grimm introduce Godfather Death by giving a brief description of the main hero’s family and how the father struggled to feed his 12 kids, leading him to give up the thirteenth child (the protagonist) to a godfather (1).


A protagonist is the main character in the story; he does good, saves lives, and faces a myriad of challenges. In the plot, the thirteenth child is the focus, and the short story is revolving around him. Since his birth, his father gives up him to a godfather, Death, with whom he rises to stardom as a physician while saving lives (1-3).


Suspense is a literary device employed by authors to create anticipation and worry in readers and make them more concerned to know what happens next. In the plot, readers are put in suspense on numerous occasions like when the physician is called to heal the king and the daughter while his master, Death, wants the two dead (2).


An antagonist is a character who opposes the main character and stands on his way to achieving his goals. In the plot, the villain turns to be the master of the physician, Death who had given him the herb he uses to treat people. This turn of events occurs when the healer goes against the will of Death to save the lives of the king and the daughter (2).


Crisis is a situation in a story when the conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist is most intense. In the plot of Godfather Death, it occurs when the physician wants to heal the king’s daughter, and Death is at her feet indicating that it is time for the girl to die (2).


Foreshadowing is a literary device used to give readers a hint about an event in the future. In the plot, it takes place when the poor man chose Death as the godfather to his thirteenth child (1).


Climax is the highest point in the story when the protagonist faces and solves the main problem. In the plot, the literary element is evident when the physician heals the king’s daughter against the will of Death (2).


A resolution is the end of a story when all conflicts are resolved. In the plot, it occurs when the physician fell to the ground (3).

Dramatic Situation

Dramatic situation is a literary device that creates emphatic involvement of readers in the story’s conflicts. In the plot, the physician’s falling after healing the king’s daughter is a dramatic situation which makes the audience emphasize with the characters (3).


Grimm, J., & Grimm, W. (2012). Godfather death. In Household tales by Brothers Grimm. Adelaide, AU: University of Adelaide Press.