The Rise and Fall of Vioxx

In order to do this case, there is a little but of prep work before reading the material.

So first, listen to the elements of the case here first on NPR.

Then read: Vioxx Case (Presley)Preview the document

Merck is a major pharmaceutical company that depends on patents and innovations. The patents of Fosamax and Zocor expired in 2006. Merck had planned Vioxx to be its next Blockbuster drug.

What might Merck have done when information came out that Vioxx caused Cardio vascular problems?

Was it ethical for Merck to withdraw sponsorship of researchers who took issue with Merck’s marketing of Vioxx? And was it good strategy?

Compare Merck’s actions in influencing reported research results on Vioxx to the strategy of the tobacco companies in the 1950’s as they countered research that established a link between smoking and cancer?

Submission Instructions:

This essay should be about 500 words in length. Ma

Grading Rubric

Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.

Very Proficient:

Thesis is clearly stated and developed; specific examples are appropriate and clearly develop thesis; conclusion is clear; ideas flow together well; good transitions; succinct but not choppy; well-organized.


Most information presented in logical sequence; generally organized but better transitions between ideas is needed.


Concept and ideas are loosely connected; lacks clear transitions; flow and organization are choppy.

Improvement Needed

Presentation of ideas is choppy; doesn’t flow; development of thesis is vague


Ideas are disjointed and have no apparent logical order to writing; poor or nonexistent relationship with assignment