Risk Assessment Report

For the purpose of the assignment, you are the most senior risk officer at National Australia
Bank Ltd and has responsibility for risk assessment and evaluation.
In an advisory capacity, you have been requested by the Board to submit a comparative risk
assessment report. The report should cover the strategic risk, interest rate risk, market risk,
credit risk, credit portfolio risk, liquidity risk and foreign exchange risk. The sample includes
ANZ, NAB, Commonwealth Bank and Westpac Bank. The sample period depends on data
availability in Orbis Bank Focus database available via Monash University Library website.
Use financial ratios that can be calculated from publicly available data (in Orbis Bank Focus)
for the comparative risk assessment. Utilize lower/upper control limits for each ratio to identify
‘red flags’ that require management attention. Remember, your report should contain
insightful data/trend analyses. The report should conclude with specific recommendations
to the Board based on your analyses.
The word limit is 2,000 words, excluding the bibliography and all appendices. An assignment
report, which substantially exceeds the word limit, i.e. 2,250 words or more, may be marked
only up to the word limit of 2,000 words. Students are encouraged to provide reports, which
are within the word limit.
Criteria for assessment: Assessment will be based on the following:
1. Depth and quality of research (2 marks)
2. Depth and quality of analysis (2 marks)
BFC5280 S2 2018
Dr Shrimal Perera
3. Application of knowledge (2 marks)
4. Insights and personal creativity (2 marks)
5. Professional report presentation/compliance (2 marks)
Overall, answers will be graded in accord with the table showing examples of grades and
corresponding achievement levels published in the Q Manual (2012, p. 6). Negative marks are
not awarded for wrong answers.
Referencing requirements: Work submitted for assessment must be consistent with the
guidelines set down in the Q Manual, which is the faculty’s student guide for producing quality
work on time. Copies of this manual can be purchased at the bookshop or accessed online
at URL: http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/publications/qmanual/qmanual.pdf.
Marks may be deducted where in-text citations and/or the reference list is not consistent with
the American Psychological Association (APA) style, which is illustrated in the Q Manual.
Plagiarism: In order to ensure the academic integrity of your submission and to deter others
from copying your work, your submission will be processed by a plagiarism checker such as
Turnitin. The University’s plagiarism policy can be found at URL: