Risk Management plan

Risk Management Rubric



Discuss the legal system and the organization, the industry, and special considerations for that industry.

  • Talk about purpose of the organization and the impact of law on that org.
  • Type of business
  • Legal system of state
  • Highlight some of the important legal concerns, risks or special legislation for the organization.
  • Just introduce. This is not the time to go into detail. .


Identify, classify, and discuss how to treat legal issues that apply specifically to employees in terms of:

  • Job description and qualifications for jobs
    • Special Certifications required (regulatory groups involved)
  • Unique Positions required to manage or supervise and why.
  • Hiring, training, disciplining, termination practices
  • This section will probably require a discussion of some Constitutional Rights or

Special Legislation where applicable.

Conduct of Activities

Identify, classify, and discuss treatment for the participants:

  • What are the specific activities
    • SPECIFIC Rules and Techniques or protocols for conducting activities
    • Guidelines from Regulatory Agencies?
    • Identifiable risks of these activities?
  • Proper identification of the Participants
    • (Who are they, health of participants, Conditioning, Skill level, developmental issues)
  • Conduct to insure proper care of the participants.

General Supervisory Practices

Identify Laws, Standards, Statutes (or the sport/rec adaptation of these) for (how do you supervise the participants with the personnel):

  • Supervising participants
  • Medical Training of supervisors if necessary
    • Or medical coverage required for activities
  • Potential Insurance, Contracted or Transferred responsibility for Duties
  • Documentation necessary for proof of controlling for risk


Identify and discuss:

  • Maintenance and Inspections and proper forms for facilities and equipment
  • Special Hazard Areas, and Steps to Repair discovered risks
  • This section may also need to discuss contracted services for repair and maintenance

Emergency Action Plans

Identify and discuss treatment of:

  • Emergencies, Environmental Regulations and concerns
  • Special Weather concerns
  • Security
  • Responsibilities in emergency situations.


Conclusion (final thoughts on the law and managing risk in the org.)


In every section, be sure to discuss and define the relevant points of law that are pertinent to the category (e.g. defining intentional and unintentional tort law, contracts, etc.)


For every section, it is extremely important to discuss law or a relevant to explain why the organization is managing the risk in this manner in order to get full point value.  Additionally, operationally defining the legal term is a must to get full points (NOT a glossary)





Risk Management Plan Assignment

The main objective is to complete a Risk Management Policy & Procedure Manual for an organization of your choice, preferably your Shark Tank project. The key to doing this project well is to start with policies, protocols, and procedures that need to be implemented by the organization (bulleted is fine), followed by a concise legal rationale for doing so from a managerial perspective.  The rationale will include justification utilizing a number of legal sources including:

–           Legal understanding and case research throughout the semester from the briefs

–           Understanding of the law based on the textbook, the cases, and class discussion

–           Applicable statutes/statutes/municipal codes

–           Facilitation projects and development of RM protocols

The Manual has a number of sections including:

–           The Organization introduction

o          This section is designed to introduce the organization, where it is located and the activities associated with the RMP

o          This section should be used to address the explanation and importance of Risk management

         First opportunity to discuss the severity – frequency issue as well as types of treatment

         Possibly address in a superficial manner some of the current legal themes throughout the Manual

–           A Personnel Section

o          This section addresses the application of various laws and legal concepts associated with the Internal Customer or Employee.

o          Primarily develop protocols and process for hiring, promoting, disciplining and firing employees

         Operationalize various legal concept s as they apply to these processes

o          Probably should address Job Descriptions including special certifications and their legal purpose

–           An Activities and expected conduct of the participants section

o          This section identifies the Activities and the information necessary to ensure an informed PARTICIPANT

o          Identify the risks of the activities (including severity-frequency issues) and how the organization informs the participants of the risks

         Why is this important from a legal perspective

o          Discuss some of the characteristics of these participants and why identifying these characteristics improves duty

o          Discuss ALL ways that the organization INFORMS the participants of the risks and why

–           A General Supervision section which includes Facility and Equipment & Emergency Action Plan

o          Develop a supervisory procedural plan conducted by the employees to oversee the participants to keep them from harm

o          This should include how the participants are medically supervised

o          This section should also address how the supervisors and employees maintain and inspect the facilities utilized and why

         This section may also need to discuss contracted services for repair and maintenance

o          A section that includes how to address EMERGENCY ACTIONS

         Specific action plans for emergencies specific to the Organization and the subsequent activities to include

  • Weather emergencies
  • Special security

         Specify employee responsibilities during the emergency and legal rationalization for doing so.

–           A conclusion

o          Wrap it up

Rules & process

–           Introduce and conclude each section

–           Cite everything as appropriate particularly legal explanation and operational standards and protocols

–           Procedures can be bulleted, legal explanation and justification CANNOT

–           NO GLOSSARY

o          Duty should be explained in terms of what the legal term means and then as to how the organization meets its responsibilities to the participants

–           CONTRACTS come up throughout the plan. Explain terms and consideration where necessary but it might be important to define the importance/explanation of contracts in the Introduction

–           Explain terms once then reference throughout

–           NO QUOTATIONS

–           NO DEFINE BY QUOTE