Risk Reduction Plan Executive Summary

I chose to do my project using the city of savannah, georgia
please see the checklist attached to for the outline of the page requirements.

Step 1: Establish your community risk reduction planning process

(Module I: Introduction to Community Risk Reduction for the Fire and Emergency Services)

Objective: Create a personal vision of your community as a hazard-safe community.

Step 2: Create risk reduction objectives

(Module II: Develop and Meet Risk Reduction Objectives)


1. Gain a thorough knowledge of your community by conducting a community inventory.

Identify hazards and assess the community’s vulnerability.
Assess the risks and establish risk reduction priorities.
Create your risk reduction objectives.
Step 3: Develop an intervention strategy

(Module III: Identify and Develop Intervention Strategies)


1. Identify potential risk reduction strategies.

2. Analyze cost versus benefit to determine a plan of action for your community risk reduction plan.

3. Select realistic and achievable risk reduction strategies.

4. Develop an intervention strategy.

Step 4: Create your community risk reduction plan

Module IV: Implement a Risk Reduction Program


1. Identify and locate needed resources for a community risk reduction plan.

2. Develop a risk reduction implementation schedule.

3. Assign roles and responsibilities within the risk reduction team.

4. Create your community risk reduction action plan.

Step 5: Evaluate and modify risk initiatives

(Module V: Review, Modify and Market Risk Reduction Programs)


1. Develop a risk reduction evaluation strategy.

2. Review and evaluate results of the evaluation process.

3. Modify your risk reduction initiatives.

4. Finalize the executive summary of your risk reduction plan.

When the actual step in a risk reduction plan calls for a consultation with stakeholders, you may, instead, consult with your class members or others in your community.

Also note that only an executive summary (and not a comprehensive plan) is required for the course. If you were submitting a real community risk reduction plan, you would need to complete a more comprehensive document.