Choose a large company, ranked between 200-400, from the Fortune 500 list. Using this list ensures that you will be able to find plenty of information about the organization. There is a short video in Week 1 that may help you in making this choice. Submit this choice during Week 1 – you will find a submission folder for this under Activities/Assignments on the D2L Home Page menu.

A complete list of Fortune 500 companies can be found here:

Your company must be publicly traded and they must be B2C (they must sell to consumers). The fastest way to check this is to go to and start typing your company’s name in the “Enter Symbol” search box in the upper left. If your company has a ticker, then it is publicly traded.

Your company must be B2C (business to consumer). In other words, the end user of your company’s products or services must be consumers, not other businesses, government agencies, etc.

Do background research on your company and the industry in which they participate. Based on this research, identify symptoms of a problem, further analyze those symptoms in order to identify root causes. Finally, use all of this information to write a concise problem statement.

Develop at least two proposed solutions to your company’s problem. Use a Weighted Decision Matrix (covered in a video during the term) to evaluate your proposed solutions and make a final recommendation. Perform a Cost-Benefit Analysis for your final recommendation. Cost-Benefit analysis is covered in the course material; you can watch the Cost Benefit Analysis video in Week 8 of the course.

Clearly and specifically describe how your recommended solution will be implemented and evaluated by the company.