The scenario for this first part of the assessment is represented in the article entitled: “Blackwood crowdfunds town centre Wi-Fi”. You are to take the role of a consultant employed by Blackwood’s Business Improvement District (BID). Their reason for initiating the study is that they are worried that current plans to procure the required funding to carry out the proposed initiative will not be sufficient. You have been asked to undertake a study to help identify ways of attracting additional funding. Their overall mission is to create a viable economic environment for Blackwood by embracing the digital future.

The scenario for this first part of the assessment is represented in the article entitled: “Blackwood crowdfunds town centre Wi-Fi”. You are to take the role of a consultant employed by Blackwood’s Business Improvement District (BID). Their reason for initiating the study is that they are worried that current plans to procure the required funding to carry out the proposed initiative will not be sufficient. You have been asked to undertake a study to help identify ways of attracting additional funding. Their overall mission is to create a viable economic environment for Blackwood by embracing the digital future.
The report is to contain your answers to questions (i) – (v) below:

(i) Undertake a pre-analysis of the situation and explain in full your awareness of and commitment to the study. (~ 1 page)
(20 marks)

(ii) Draw a diagram showing what you believe to be the main variables in the situation and the relationships between them. Make sure you include a title to the diagram and give a brief summary of the key features of the diagram. (~ diagram + half a page)
(20 marks)

(iii) Draw an objectives network outlining mission, goals, and objectives of the client set. State any constraints that will influence the objectives. Select one objective as the starting point for a first pass through your analysis. State your criteria for selecting this objective as opposed to any other. (~ Hierarchy diagram + half a page)
(25 marks)

(iv) Identify at least four possible Routes to the objective you have just chosen, suggest a suitable Measure of Performance(s), and indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this measure(s). (~ 1 page)
(20 marks)

(v) Choose a modelling technique suitable for the objectives, Routes and Measures of Performance you have just justified. Then:

• explain and justify your choice
• outline the essential features of this modelling technique
• indicate briefly how it might be applied in this case (e.g. identify the variables that you would need to include)
• indicate the additional information, if any, you would need in order to apply it.
• identify the strengths and weaknesses of adopting your chosen model in this situation
(~ 1 page)