Scholarship Essay Social Media

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Title: How has social media changed the youth and what influence does it have on their future?

Social media continues to change rapidly, creating new ways to promote brands,new inventions,music, food & upcoming entrepreneurs. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Facebook gives every single person a chance to create an audience/ creative a fan base based on what content you decide to make. There’s always good and bad that comes with everything. Social media has become such an essential piece to everyday life most people can’t function without it. On the other side it gives huge opportunities for people to create a branding of their own or even get sponsored by a brand.
How’s it changing the youth? Likes, followers, retweet’s and views on social media matters to most users. Most of the youth feel the more traction on your account the more relevant you are, creating the feeling of relevance and popularity. Striving for traction on your page can become a bad thing, kids will do anything for attention. Likes and followers shouldn’t dictate your actions to reach a bigger audience. Using your platform to educate and create in the long run will benefit you as a person and grow your profile.
The future of social is very bright and productive. Keeping the world updated with events, political changes, and awareness for a lot of communities. The future of social media has already began to change how business operates and more importantly how we operate. As long as we continue to adapt properly and effectively the future of social will be great for each and everyone who uses the platform.
There are a lot of benefits that come from social media and the internet for the youth. For a lot of people social media is an outlet for opinions and personal thoughts that we are able to share with our followers/ subscribers. Platforms where you can interact with others your age means a lot because it is a form of expression and filled with reactions. As we begin to get older it is very important to know who you are and what you want to do with your life, through social media you can easily find this out. Before we mature and older we might as well practice how to express ourselves in a unique way through our personal page, by showing our personalities. Also social media is an easy way to connect with people all throughout the area that you live in. In my age group a lot of very close friendships have been formed through social media and have helped to benefit each other in multiple ways. The reason social media makes it so easy to create bonds is your allowed to express your likes and dislikes, which people can easily relate to. As many ways as people believe that social media is bad, it can also provide a lot of good, you just have to use it for the right things.
One of the biggest benefits of social media is increasing brand awareness. With millions of users on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms, there are plenty of people to reach. Use social media as a way to fill in the gaps and get exposure to a new audience.When you think of companies like Target , Samsung or Song you’ll notice their customers are extremely loyal and consistently choose them over the competition no matter what. Using social can strengthen that bond even more between the followers and the product.
Social media was made to communicate,the core of social media is it provides a two-way form of communication. Instead of just shouting your message to your audience, you can communicate back and forth between each and every one, and many more. Not only will you be able to communicate you’ll be able to do so super fast. You could reach an audience of millions if you use your communication skills properly. Doing so can even give you a chance to meet different people with the same outlook as you. Meeting a friend, making business partners, finding new things in life that you never knew.
The future of the youth and the future of social media can be at an all time high. Using it for expression, history, technology, art and music is a beauty awaiting to happen. As long as we continue to push for greatness as the youth using a tool like social media to help we shall be successful.