“Against School” by John Taylor Gatto

In a formal academic essay of 5-6 pages ( minimum of 5 full pages), analyze and carry out the following tasks:
– Construct an account of the author’s argument
-Present what you see as the author’s most important or interesting claims, and explain how these claims relate to the overall argument
– Analyze the way in which the author supports his argument? how effective is the author’s support/ evidence? How effective does this make the author’s argument?
-Comment on the significance of the text- why does it matter?

Paper requirements:
=Audience: write the paper as if addressing an educated reader who is familiar with the text
-Evidence: Present and analyze specific examples from the text as evidence for your analysis. Quotation and references from any text must be properly integrated and cited
-Presentation: MLA format
ps: I want a full 5 pages essay about “Against school” of John Taylor Gatto, you can read at this site: https://www.wesjones.com/gatto1.htm