Science in the news

Science in the News. 3 Separate articles 1-2 pages per article.
Every day we as a society we are exposed to science. With today’s constant stream of news and media we have daily report on a variety of important scientific matters relevant to local, regional and national levels. The reports influence public perception of scientific advancements, opinions, and investments that greatly impact our society. Understanding the language of media and science is essential to evaluate information that you hear or read. The goal of this assignment is to explore media items with scientific themes in order to expand your knowledge of scientific information, to learn to think scientifically, and to connect your knowledge of science to local issues of community importance.
a summary of the article (paragraph 1) opinion (paragraph 2) and answer the questions below (paragraph 3) surrounding a current news article (you choose the article) regarding topics in the area of community health, public health initiatives, or any other topic related to the course content (published within the last 2 months).
1. Paragraph 1: Article title, source, and summary of content
2. Paragraph 2: Opinion of the article and why you chose it.
3. Paragraph 3: Critical Thinking: do you agree or disagree, was the information accurate, was the article misleading/bias, describe the scientific stats and language used in the article, where is the data coming from, was it just percentages used?