In this task, you must create an opinionated article about the Mr Kavanaugh sexual assault claims in which you talk about how specifically Mr Kavanaugh and Trump hide the truth that Christine Blasey Ford presents about the sexual assault claims.

YOU MUST BE VERY GOOD AT CREATIVE WRITING IF YOU ACCEPT THIS PROJECT. In this task, you must create an opinionated article about the Mr Kavanaugh sexual assault claims in which you talk about how specifically Mr Kavanaugh and Trump hide the truth that Christine Blasey Ford presents about the sexual assault claims. YOU MUST … Continue reading “In this task, you must create an opinionated article about the Mr Kavanaugh sexual assault claims in which you talk about how specifically Mr Kavanaugh and Trump hide the truth that Christine Blasey Ford presents about the sexual assault claims.”

You are an owner of Wild Dog Coffee Company. You and your business partners are preparing for the opening of your second location. You need to analyze and make recommendations for supply chain management for the two locations.

You are an owner of Wild Dog Coffee Company. You and your business partners are preparing for the opening of your second location. You need to analyze and make recommendations for supply chain management for the two locations. Prepare 10-12 PowerPoint slides to present a supply chain management plan, including your analysis and recommendations for … Continue reading “You are an owner of Wild Dog Coffee Company. You and your business partners are preparing for the opening of your second location. You need to analyze and make recommendations for supply chain management for the two locations.”

Lady Macbeth and Post-Partum depression

At its simplest, Macbeth is a dramatic rendering of the tragic hero; however, in our discussions we explore Renaissance and Universal issues of: o fate versus freewill; o order versus chaos: o the theology of goodness versus evil; o the psychology of desire, conscience, violence, and repression; o gender, manhood, marriage, misogyny and cowardice; o … Continue reading “Lady Macbeth and Post-Partum depression”

How can we understand what it means to be a “specialist” in terms of understanding an alternative language according to Gee (2003)? Please incorporate this into your example.

PART ONE GEE Gee (2003) sees certain skills in video game playing as comparable to learning skills in academic subjects. He recognizes that a video game is just a different “semiotic domain” than an academic subject like physics and that a similar approach to learning is useful in order to be “literate” in both domains. … Continue reading “How can we understand what it means to be a “specialist” in terms of understanding an alternative language according to Gee (2003)? Please incorporate this into your example.”

Constructive criticism to student initial posting (Megan)

Initial Posting Instruction: Introduction: No industry has faced more competitive markets in the U.S. than textiles. The import of foreign textiles made using cheap labor has decreased profit margins for U.S. companies for years, and many have left the industry.  In this discussion you will get the opportunity to “run” production operations of a textile … Continue reading “Constructive criticism to student initial posting (Megan)”

Either perform a standard comparison-contrast examination of the two works, or, alternatively, ask what is it about Wood’s famous 1930 painting that has made it such a popular target of parody? And why doesn’t the same apply to Ben Shahn’s Rural Rehabilitation Client (1935) photo? In either case, use research including both web and academic sources to produce a research essay of at least 1,500 words.

Grant Wood’s antimodernist painting American Gothic (1930) and Ben Shahn’s photo Rural Rehabilitation Client (1935), usually called Rehabilitation Clients, Boone County, Arkansas, 1935 make a popular topic for comparison and contrast. BBR Thirteenth Edition chapter 6 facilitates a comparison/contrast approach to the two works, discussing method (198); process, including a checklist (199-203); and academic conventions, … Continue reading “Either perform a standard comparison-contrast examination of the two works, or, alternatively, ask what is it about Wood’s famous 1930 painting that has made it such a popular target of parody? And why doesn’t the same apply to Ben Shahn’s Rural Rehabilitation Client (1935) photo? In either case, use research including both web and academic sources to produce a research essay of at least 1,500 words.”

21ST Century Teaching and Learning

Assignment #1: Becoming a 21st Century Teacher Begin your paper here. Double space the entire document. Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces by pressing the Tab key one time on the keyboard. Happy writing!  EVERY PAPER SHOULD HAVE AN INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION!!!  INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSIONS DO … Continue reading “21ST Century Teaching and Learning”

Looking at the list of events, do you see any other event which we could use to trigger the JavaScript verification function for this form?

Write 150 word response to each: 1. Below is the tag and form attributes we are using in our sample web form. We know that the server. But we want a JavaScript function to run before we take that action. The JavaScript function will verify that the form data is complete before we send it … Continue reading “Looking at the list of events, do you see any other event which we could use to trigger the JavaScript verification function for this form?”

Assessment of the Cardiovascular System – Heart Failure

Ignatavicius: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition (A) Chapter 33: Assessment of the Cardiovascular System Assessment of the Cardiovascular System – Heart Failure A 67-year-old Hispanic-American woman is admitted to the hospital for dyspnea and progressive fatigue. The patient’s history reveals that she is 45 pounds overweight from her previously recorded weight 1 year ago. She has … Continue reading “Assessment of the Cardiovascular System – Heart Failure”

analytical essay on the world view of a journal article.

In order to better understand the constructed nature of media content, you have to write an analytical essay on the world view of a journal article. To do so, you will have to read and analyze the mediatized discourse. On the formal level, you will have to describe the communication elements according to Jakobson’s model … Continue reading “analytical essay on the world view of a journal article.”