If an act can have moral value even though it fails in its intended effect, what is the basis of that value? Kant’s answer is that these acts have value insofar as the person chooses them because they are the kind of acts that anyone, indeed, everyone, ought to perform in similar situations. The acts are instances of the kind of acts that form the basis for an ordered community.

here is a site for students to share thoughts about the movie. No spoilers, please. Keep in mind that for Kant the outcome of an action has no bearing on the action’s MORAL value. Kant believes a morally good act can fail and still have moral value. Another great example of Kantianism is the novel … Continue reading “If an act can have moral value even though it fails in its intended effect, what is the basis of that value? Kant’s answer is that these acts have value insofar as the person chooses them because they are the kind of acts that anyone, indeed, everyone, ought to perform in similar situations. The acts are instances of the kind of acts that form the basis for an ordered community.”

Write a paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals.

Select a psychological disorder and a local organization that provides mental health services – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with the organization https://www.insightbhc.com/ Research the organization’s website or speak to someone in the organization. Write a paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals. Include the following … Continue reading “Write a paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals.”

Mood Disorders: Depression & Bipolar

Below is a series of questions designed to have you think along the lines of applicability. Your client asks you to describe how genetics and brain chemistry could be influencing their depression. Prepare a one paragraph response that you can rely on in such situations (called a ‘canned response’) and share it with the class. … Continue reading “Mood Disorders: Depression & Bipolar”

Do you ever use the term hypochondriac or do people ever call you a hypochondriac? How is it used differently in day to day lives versus as a clinical disorder? How do you think people get to the point of it being a severe disorder?

1) Do you ever use the term hypochondriac or do people ever call you a hypochondriac? How is it used differently in day to day lives versus as a clinical disorder? How do you think people get to the point of it being a severe disorder? 2)What did you learn about multiple personalities (now called … Continue reading “Do you ever use the term hypochondriac or do people ever call you a hypochondriac? How is it used differently in day to day lives versus as a clinical disorder? How do you think people get to the point of it being a severe disorder?”

1. Tom Taylor, the sales manager, was told by his superior, Carl Bauer, to take an order from a new customer for a batch of products. Both Tom and Carl knew that the products ordered would only partially meet the customer’s requirements. But Carl insisted that the order was too valuable to lose. What should Tom do?

QUESTIONS 1. Tom Taylor, the sales manager, was told by his superior, Carl Bauer, to take an order from a new customer for a batch of products. Both Tom and Carl knew that the products ordered would only partially meet the customer’s requirements. But Carl insisted that the order was too valuable to lose. What … Continue reading “1. Tom Taylor, the sales manager, was told by his superior, Carl Bauer, to take an order from a new customer for a batch of products. Both Tom and Carl knew that the products ordered would only partially meet the customer’s requirements. But Carl insisted that the order was too valuable to lose. What should Tom do?”

Select a well documented historical case study of an individual who experienced a neurological disorder, disease, or accident that resulted in an interruption in his or her vision, hearing, or motor control.

Select a well documented historical case study of an individual who experienced a neurological disorder, disease, or accident that resulted in an interruption in his or her vision, hearing, or motor control. Prepare a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation addressing the following questions: What neurological disorder, disease, or accident took place to interrupt this … Continue reading “Select a well documented historical case study of an individual who experienced a neurological disorder, disease, or accident that resulted in an interruption in his or her vision, hearing, or motor control.”

Communication Disorder Research Paper

You must write about a person you know or a famous individual with a communication disorder. Indicate which communication disorder you will be focusing on by submitting an approval form.  If there is an issue regarding your topic, you will be notified via BB     Paper Format Stipulations 3-page limit- MINIMUM OF 2 (not … Continue reading “Communication Disorder Research Paper”

Argue (for or against) UNCITRAL Model Law effectiveness in Cross Border Corporate Insolvency.

Notes: • You must demonstrate understanding of Australia Corporations Act s 581 and s 583, and draw comparison with UK s426 and US broad discretion. • You must demonstrate high level understanding of Chapter 5 of Australia’s Cross-Border Insolvency Act (not 5.2, 5.4A) and s 601CL of the Corporations Act. • You must incorporate these … Continue reading “Argue (for or against) UNCITRAL Model Law effectiveness in Cross Border Corporate Insolvency.”

you will examine the managerial style and influence that exists in order to better understand the overall operations of the organization, the direction of the organization, and how the organization is influenced by leadership.

you will examine the managerial style and influence that exists in order to better understand the overall operations of the organization, the direction of the organization, and how the organization is influenced by leadership. The final project will be submitted in two parts.   Part 1 To begin, select a healthcare organization in which you … Continue reading “you will examine the managerial style and influence that exists in order to better understand the overall operations of the organization, the direction of the organization, and how the organization is influenced by leadership.”

select one clinical practice issue that involves a specific medication. Using a Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system, design a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that would be embedded in the EHR at your site of practice

select one clinical practice issue that involves a specific medication. Using a Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system, design a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that would be embedded in the EHR at your site of practice. Your CDSS must connect with CPOE to include a medication. You must link these two applications within the … Continue reading “select one clinical practice issue that involves a specific medication. Using a Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system, design a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that would be embedded in the EHR at your site of practice”