Addiction Counselor Roles and Competencies

One hundred and twenty-three specific competencies of an addiction counselor are listed in TAP 21. These competencies include various roles an addiction counselor may take on such as educator, consultant, advocate, resource and referral guide, group facilitator, and so on. Write a 600-750-word essay, describing some of the core roles and competencies of an addiction … Continue reading “Addiction Counselor Roles and Competencies”

transgender discrimination

Assignment Descripon: Social Issue Research Paper You are required to submit a paper that explores a sociological issue. Your social issue topic must come from the list below. Please read this document in its entirety as it contains all the details you need to complete this assignment successfully. You must write your paper using the … Continue reading “transgender discrimination”

Media&Marketing Research-Research plan

FREE PLAGIARISM submit a 2,000-word Research Plan consisting of: • • A research question • • An introduction • • A research aim • • Three research objectives • • A literature review • • A method • • Ethical considerations • • An appendix at the end of the plan showing the form of … Continue reading “Media&Marketing Research-Research plan”

The Classification assignments requires you to organize a topic into categories and then provide examples of what characteristics fit into each category.

The Classification assignments requires you to organize a topic into categories and then provide examples of what characteristics fit into each category. You have several options for this assignment, so you will need to choose one: • Classify the types of writers • Classify the types of bosses/supervisors • Classify the types of monsters • … Continue reading “The Classification assignments requires you to organize a topic into categories and then provide examples of what characteristics fit into each category.”

Is Cisco’s plan to reach out to consumers a viable one? Why, or why not? As a marketing manager for Cisco, what would you recommend to be the next steps?

Case studies are an important learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides with an end goal of formulating a … Continue reading “Is Cisco’s plan to reach out to consumers a viable one? Why, or why not? As a marketing manager for Cisco, what would you recommend to be the next steps?”

The scenario for this first part of the assessment is represented in the article entitled: “Blackwood crowdfunds town centre Wi-Fi”. You are to take the role of a consultant employed by Blackwood’s Business Improvement District (BID). Their reason for initiating the study is that they are worried that current plans to procure the required funding to carry out the proposed initiative will not be sufficient. You have been asked to undertake a study to help identify ways of attracting additional funding. Their overall mission is to create a viable economic environment for Blackwood by embracing the digital future.

Task The scenario for this first part of the assessment is represented in the article entitled: “Blackwood crowdfunds town centre Wi-Fi”. You are to take the role of a consultant employed by Blackwood’s Business Improvement District (BID). Their reason for initiating the study is that they are worried that current plans to procure the required … Continue reading “The scenario for this first part of the assessment is represented in the article entitled: “Blackwood crowdfunds town centre Wi-Fi”. You are to take the role of a consultant employed by Blackwood’s Business Improvement District (BID). Their reason for initiating the study is that they are worried that current plans to procure the required funding to carry out the proposed initiative will not be sufficient. You have been asked to undertake a study to help identify ways of attracting additional funding. Their overall mission is to create a viable economic environment for Blackwood by embracing the digital future.”

Evolution of Endothermy in Birds and Mammals

The final draft will include all of the following, in the following order: a. a title page with your paper’s title, student name, date, course name and number. This page must also include your declared major (e.g., B.A. in Biology); b. an abstract page with a complete abstract, and a signed notation at the bottom … Continue reading “Evolution of Endothermy in Birds and Mammals”

Business Writting

One of the keys to being prepared for the complexities and pace of change in today’s business environment is to be up-to-date on relevant events, trends, and insights. Therefore, regular, in-class discussions about companies and current business issues will be a significant focus of this course. Instructions: • Choose a business-related article from one of … Continue reading “Business Writting”

Acculturation Interview Essay

You will be submitting an 8-10 page paper, following the APA Style Guidelines, in which you analyze the existing literature on acculturation and global mobility. You will consider the themes that your interview subject outlined in his/her discussion. It is important for you to create a strong thesis about the acculturation experience that the individual … Continue reading “Acculturation Interview Essay”