Discuss two types of business structures that the owner of Xstore may wish to consider, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each, in the context of the situation described in the question above.

The owner of Xstore is contemplating the way that the business is structured. At present the business is run as a Sole Trader. However, Xstore’s owner is determined to expand the business and is frustrated by her inability to access sufficient capital in order to fund this expansion. In order to raise additional funds, but … Continue reading “Discuss two types of business structures that the owner of Xstore may wish to consider, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each, in the context of the situation described in the question above.”

Today’s dangerous driving habits, how cell phones have changed communications, or how to avoid bad eating habits.

Whether you use Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or some other word process to create your essays, save them as .rtf (rich text format). Doing so ensures I will be able to open and read them. Exemplification Essay Write a 500-750 word essay using exemplification as a method of development. Include a title page and outline with … Continue reading “Today’s dangerous driving habits, how cell phones have changed communications, or how to avoid bad eating habits.”

The Quantity and Price Strategies of Large Enterprises in Garment Industry

Write a Research Proposal The main purpose of this progress report is to write a research proposal for your senior thesis. Your research proposal should consist of the following contents. Research question Describe the purpose of your research. What is your research question? What would you like to shed light on? You need to convince … Continue reading “The Quantity and Price Strategies of Large Enterprises in Garment Industry”

Post Mortem Redistribution of Fentanyl in Blood

Each student must complete a research project that conforms to the requirements described in this handout: FS 662 Supervised Graduate Research Project Requirements. Each student is required to do original research: that is, students must either collect their own data, or conduct secondary data analysis in an original manner. The research project will utilize a … Continue reading “Post Mortem Redistribution of Fentanyl in Blood”

Using a Johari Window analysis, what do you think some of your supervisor’s or subordinate’s blind spots are? What do you think some of your potential blind spots might be?

As with all of the assignments for this class, first make sure to thoroughly review the required background materials. Make sure you fully understand the concepts of the Johari Window as well as Transactional Analysis. You need to have a solid understanding of these important concepts in order to successfully complete this assignment. We will … Continue reading “Using a Johari Window analysis, what do you think some of your supervisor’s or subordinate’s blind spots are? What do you think some of your potential blind spots might be?”

Concepts and Issues in Corruption. Organizational Misbehavior and Ethics Management Research Methods

The first part of the assignment focuses on research methods and referencing. The second part is more substantive and focuses on organizational misbehavior. Your score for this assignment will, of course, rely on the substance of your answers but it will also depend on the extent to which you respect the basic rules for academic … Continue reading “Concepts and Issues in Corruption. Organizational Misbehavior and Ethics Management Research Methods”

The blog is intended to serve as a journal for your project throughout the semester. It is the mechanism through which you report progress (or lack of progress!), and share information relevant to project implementation and evaluation.

  Capstone Project Blog Week 7 Follow Blog Instructions and Formatting Template for entry I filled out some of the sections to keep you on track with my progress. Please complete the missing sections using nursing journal or information from the CDC (at least 2 references). I included my classmates Blog to provide extra guidance. … Continue reading “The blog is intended to serve as a journal for your project throughout the semester. It is the mechanism through which you report progress (or lack of progress!), and share information relevant to project implementation and evaluation.”

The Man who Mistook His wife for a hat

Choose one of the two case studies from Oliver Sacks: . Chapter 1: The Man who Mistook His wife for a hat OR . Chapter 2: The Lost Mariner . In this essay students are required to present and critique information about a person who presents with a neuropsychological disorder (choose one of those outlined … Continue reading “The Man who Mistook His wife for a hat”

Assess Accounting Methods for a Lease

In order to become more familiar with the issues involved, answer the questions in Cases 13-1 and 13-2 in Chapter 13 in which you will evaluate the different methods used in accounting for leases. Submit your work in the form of a paper. Support your paper with a minimum of five (5) scholarly resources. In … Continue reading “Assess Accounting Methods for a Lease”

world war 1 and its consequences

PART A. Heinrich von Treitschke presents a vision of a world in which war is a glorious, even a beautiful, thing. It is the ultimate expression of nationalism. Wilfred Owen’s poem Dulce et Decorum est, offers a view of the ugliness of war as seen by a World War I soldier who had actually fought … Continue reading “world war 1 and its consequences”