Discuss a leader who you would consider to be transformational. If possible, choose a leader located in the Middle East who may serve an instrumental role in Saudi Vision 2030

Discuss a leader who you would consider to be transformational. If possible, choose a leader located in the Middle East who may serve an instrumental role in Saudi Vision 2030. In your paper, respond to the following: • Determine the key transformational qualities the leader possesses. • Based on your research, explain the impact the … Continue reading “Discuss a leader who you would consider to be transformational. If possible, choose a leader located in the Middle East who may serve an instrumental role in Saudi Vision 2030”

“A Wall of Fire Rising”

Respond the following prompt below in a 3-5 page fiction response essay. Your essay should be in MLA format, make use of support from the story (using quotation, summary and/or paraphrase) and should include citations in-text and on a Works Cited page. Remember to avoid summarizing a story – instead, focus on answering the question(s) … Continue reading ““A Wall of Fire Rising””

Heart Failure

This paper continues your in-depth look at your selected disease/condition Does this disorder affect the structure or functioning of connective tissue or bone cells? Does it affect any hormones that regulate bone formation or repair? Does it affect absorption of any materials needed for bone or muscle growth or repair? Dose the disorder affect structure … Continue reading “Heart Failure”

Your paper should assess: The dichotomies of our legal system Whether or not mandated national health care is consistent with the U.S. Constitution The Declaration of Independence, and our ethical and philosophical roots Be sure to explain your position on your topic, include a rationale, and cite your sources.

In this module we have taken an historical look at mandatory national healthcare and considered its ethical, philosophical, legal and moral ramifications. Review this module’s course materials and submit 4 page position paper here. Your paper should assess: The dichotomies of our legal system Whether or not mandated national health care is consistent with the … Continue reading “Your paper should assess: The dichotomies of our legal system Whether or not mandated national health care is consistent with the U.S. Constitution The Declaration of Independence, and our ethical and philosophical roots Be sure to explain your position on your topic, include a rationale, and cite your sources.”

Pretend that you are writing a short guide to the “Five Focal Virtues” of caring for new employees at a hospital. It is your job to clearly and accurately describe each of the virtues (using your own words), and then to say what this means of their job. This will require that you give detailed, specific examples showing how each of the five focal virtues can be followed or not followed.

Here are the guidelines for Exam 1. Please read these CAREFULLY! The exam consists of SIX questions. However, you should only answer THREE of them. Each essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. I won’t penalize you for going over, though please make an effort to be as concise as possible, given the material. … Continue reading “Pretend that you are writing a short guide to the “Five Focal Virtues” of caring for new employees at a hospital. It is your job to clearly and accurately describe each of the virtues (using your own words), and then to say what this means of their job. This will require that you give detailed, specific examples showing how each of the five focal virtues can be followed or not followed.”

Feminism and desire for freedom in Kate Chopin short stories, “Madame Celestin’s Divorce” and “The Story of an Hour.”

Topic: Feminism and desire for freedom in Kate Chopin short stories, “Madame Celestin’s Divorce” and “The Story of an Hour.” The research question: How do Kat Chopin’s writings reflect the earliest attempts of women to oppose the patriarchy and how do 19th-century feminism of Kate Chopin differ from its contemporary forms? Sub questions: a- How … Continue reading “Feminism and desire for freedom in Kate Chopin short stories, “Madame Celestin’s Divorce” and “The Story of an Hour.””

How a Bill Becomes a Law

As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes of this assignment you will identify a problem or concern in your community, organization, etc. that has the capacity to be legislated. You will conduct research and state a proposal. Through the legislative … Continue reading “How a Bill Becomes a Law”

Study using Kant’s Deontological Theory, Aquinas’ Natural Law or Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics

Start by reading Case #1, page 322. Now, I want you to create two separate arguments. In the first one, I want you use Kant, Aquinas or Aristotle’s theories to create an argument that concludes that getting an abortion to avoid having a baby with minor disabilities is morally permissible. Then, I want you to … Continue reading “Study using Kant’s Deontological Theory, Aquinas’ Natural Law or Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics”

Describe and define deficits of vocal hyperfunction and research the medical conditions or environmental conditions that may lead to vocal hyperfunction. (Hints: think about kids yelling on the playground, a supervisor trying to talk over noise in a manufacturing plant to give employees instructions, and an anxious person attempting to explain their fears and worries.)

When diagnosing vocal deficits, you may hear a strained, stressed voice pattern. The air may be constrained as the client attempts to speak. Are the client’s shoulders drawn upward? Do they express fatigue when attempting to speak with in this manner? The purpose of this Assignment is for you to gain an understanding of vocal … Continue reading “Describe and define deficits of vocal hyperfunction and research the medical conditions or environmental conditions that may lead to vocal hyperfunction. (Hints: think about kids yelling on the playground, a supervisor trying to talk over noise in a manufacturing plant to give employees instructions, and an anxious person attempting to explain their fears and worries.)”