1. Select a disease you would like to research 2. Your presentation should be made using PowerPoint. You must create a multi-slide presentation for the information indicated below in #4, as well as a separate title slide and a separate References slide. 3. It must include a combination of figures/pictures and text and it must … Continue reading “DISEASE PRESENTATION – RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT”

For this assignment, you’re going to write a 3-4 page essay in which you evaluate the mise-en-scene from Sunrise, City Lights or Citizen Kane. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned from Film Studies Chapters 1-3 and in academic writing style, develop a clearly organized, specific analysis of one of the films mentioned above.

For this assignment, you’re going to write a 3-4 page essay in which you evaluate the mise-en-scene from Sunrise, City Lights or Citizen Kane. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned from Film Studies Chapters 1-3 and in academic writing style, develop a clearly organized, specific … Continue reading “For this assignment, you’re going to write a 3-4 page essay in which you evaluate the mise-en-scene from Sunrise, City Lights or Citizen Kane. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned from Film Studies Chapters 1-3 and in academic writing style, develop a clearly organized, specific analysis of one of the films mentioned above.”

In Drive, Daniel Pink argues that autonomy, mastery, and purpose motivate people more than external rewards or punishments. What is your take on his argument?

In Drive, Daniel Pink argues that autonomy, mastery, and purpose motivate people more than external rewards or punishments. What is your take on his argument? Perhaps some brainstorming questions may help you to get started: 1. Does Daniel Pink’s theory of success work when one of the elements (Autonomy, Mastery, and/or Purpose) is taken out? … Continue reading “In Drive, Daniel Pink argues that autonomy, mastery, and purpose motivate people more than external rewards or punishments. What is your take on his argument?”

The Socioeconomic and Cultural Diversity of Urban Space

The paper will amount to 20% of the final grade: Undergraduate students will write a 5-7 page paper on a topic chosen in consultation with the instructors. The paper will be based on ethnographic research in an Atlanta location of the student’s choice. The paper topic must be approved by the instructor, and all students … Continue reading “The Socioeconomic and Cultural Diversity of Urban Space”

Write an essay of NO LESS than 850 words (The word count begins with the first word in your introduction and ends with the last word in your conclusion.) in which you explain how Eliana Dockterman builds an argument to persuade her audience that there are benefits to early exposure to technology.

Read assigned text(s), identify the author’s use of rhetorical strategies, and evaluate how effectively/ineffectively those rhetorical choices contribute to developing purpose and persuading audience. Write according to length and format instructions: meet the 850 word MINIMUM, use double spacing, use 1-inch margins, and type in 12 pt. font Times New Roman. Document borrowed text material … Continue reading “Write an essay of NO LESS than 850 words (The word count begins with the first word in your introduction and ends with the last word in your conclusion.) in which you explain how Eliana Dockterman builds an argument to persuade her audience that there are benefits to early exposure to technology.”

This chapter examines the evolution of American Indian/European-American relations since 1890. American Indian cultures and traditions are discussed, especially those that affected relationships with the dominant group. The shifting federal policies toward the tribes are covered, as is the American Indian movement of protest and resistance.

This chapter examines the evolution of American Indian/European-American relations since 1890. American Indian cultures and traditions are discussed, especially those that affected relationships with the dominant group. The shifting federal policies toward the tribes are covered, as is the American Indian movement of protest and resistance. Objectives of this unit include: • to understand the … Continue reading “This chapter examines the evolution of American Indian/European-American relations since 1890. American Indian cultures and traditions are discussed, especially those that affected relationships with the dominant group. The shifting federal policies toward the tribes are covered, as is the American Indian movement of protest and resistance.”

Ask 10 consumers what brands they are loyal too, and why, and the answers will be wildly different. There are multiple factors that go into consumer purchases and their preferred brands. Some examples are: quality, price, convenience, customer service, formulation of the product, and the historical, social, and environmental choices of the brand. Is the brand trustworthy? Do they make responsible choices? One company that is checking all the boxes for a large percentage of the retail market is Amazon.

BRAND LOYALTY Ask 10 consumers what brands they are loyal too, and why, and the answers will be wildly different. There are multiple factors that go into consumer purchases and their preferred brands. Some examples are: quality, price, convenience, customer service, formulation of the product, and the historical, social, and environmental choices of the brand. … Continue reading “Ask 10 consumers what brands they are loyal too, and why, and the answers will be wildly different. There are multiple factors that go into consumer purchases and their preferred brands. Some examples are: quality, price, convenience, customer service, formulation of the product, and the historical, social, and environmental choices of the brand. Is the brand trustworthy? Do they make responsible choices? One company that is checking all the boxes for a large percentage of the retail market is Amazon.”

Healthcare security Blockchain

Healthcare security Blockchain DescriptionMicrosoft and IBM have come up with their Blockchain platforms –Azure Blockbench. After reviewing my uploaded paper, your assignment is on the below: separately set up the experiment for Azure-Ethereum and Azure-Fabric. For each setup, collect the data and reproduce plot performance results (throughput, latency), then clearly explain describe your experiment and … Continue reading “Healthcare security Blockchain”

Why Should African American History Be  taught

Why Should African American History Be  taught DescriptionA new movement has started since the early 2000s, where some political groups are trying to remove American history from our children’s school curriculum and textbooks, specifically slave history. However, these groups also do not want to cover segregation or civil rights. By removing the history that we have … Continue reading “Why Should African American History Be  taught”

cognitive dissonance.

The introduction should seek to locate the reader in the topic area, giving a brief overview of the breadth of the topic, and the sorts of issues that have been of importance to researchers. You should then focus on your selected research topic, specifying the particular issues/sub-topics that you intend to address, and in what … Continue reading “cognitive dissonance.”