Transforming and Leading Healthcare

Watch this video – and read the attached – You applied for the position to lead the project to enhance consumer experience of healthcare, and you have secured an interview. For this task you need to prepare a 10 minute, 20 slide (maximum) PowerPoint presentation with voice over and notes, in which you: outline … Continue reading “Transforming and Leading Healthcare”

Identify some of the social groups to which you belong. How have you been or are influenced by your own social group memberships? Write about a time at least two of them intersected to have an impact on you. Provide an example when belonging to one social group had a more pronounced impact on you than belonging to one of your other social identities.

An individual’s social identity is made of membership in multiple, overlapping and intersecting social groups. At times, an individual may identify with one or more social groups to which they belong more than another. Identify some of the social groups to which you belong. How have you been or are influenced by your own social … Continue reading “Identify some of the social groups to which you belong. How have you been or are influenced by your own social group memberships? Write about a time at least two of them intersected to have an impact on you. Provide an example when belonging to one social group had a more pronounced impact on you than belonging to one of your other social identities.”

Given what you know about the organization’s central audience and the social media it uses, how well does the organization implement each social media to brand itself and engage its audience? Be specific in your critique. Compare your organization with examples of best practices of organizations that are using these social media effectively.

Locate a for-profit or non-profit organization with a reputation for having a weak social media presence. (NOTE: Please avoid Apple and Trader Joe’s since they have made a strategic choice to remain off social media.) Provide an analysis of the organization’s social media efforts as they relate to central audience, organizational mission and social media … Continue reading “Given what you know about the organization’s central audience and the social media it uses, how well does the organization implement each social media to brand itself and engage its audience? Be specific in your critique. Compare your organization with examples of best practices of organizations that are using these social media effectively.”

Mrs. Brady is a 58 year old woman who is admitted to your unit post op from an ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) of the left hip. She is now three days post-op and has started physiotherapy. Her pain has been manageable since her surgery and she is keen to go home. Her Foley catheter was removed yesterday evening.

Please complete this assignment based on the patient in the following case study.  You are required to use APA formatting in your assignment including a properly formatted title page, references page, and in-text citation. Scholarly, peer-reviewed references from the last 5 years are preferred. Please answer the questions related to the case study below.   … Continue reading “Mrs. Brady is a 58 year old woman who is admitted to your unit post op from an ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) of the left hip. She is now three days post-op and has started physiotherapy. Her pain has been manageable since her surgery and she is keen to go home. Her Foley catheter was removed yesterday evening.”

Short Story Analysis

The thesis statement gives an indication of the focus of the analysis, however, there are lines in the primary source which should have been included in order to fully explain the thesis.  Further references to the secondary source would have made the analysis more effective.  The organization of the essay was acceptable and followed a … Continue reading “Short Story Analysis”

The body by Stephen King

Choose a “short story” from the list, “The 50 Best Short Stories of All Time.”  Compose a formal documented research essay (a literary analysis) according to MLA style.  Design a webquest Electronic Poster on the author of your story. Sign Up Genius: Please create an account and sign up for a story so … Continue reading “The body by Stephen King”

Choose 2 of the following short stories to compare and contrast in your essay: • “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson • “The Destructors” by Graham Greene • “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence • “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne • “The Prodigal Son” by St. Luke

The “Writing about Literature” section of your Perrine’s Literature textbook (pp. 1–54) and the “Writing” section of Harbrace Essentials (pp. 1–12, 15–16, 18–21, 22–28) provide helpful pointers for writing your literary essay and for academic writing in general. Be sure that you have read these sections before doing any further work for this assignment. Take … Continue reading “Choose 2 of the following short stories to compare and contrast in your essay: • “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson • “The Destructors” by Graham Greene • “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence • “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne • “The Prodigal Son” by St. Luke”

Psychiatric Diagnosis

For this assignment, students will investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study from the Gorenstein and Comer (2015) textbook Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, chosen in the Week One “Initial Call” discussion. This paper will include an in-depth overview of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, treatment options for the diagnosis, and … Continue reading “Psychiatric Diagnosis”

Recruiting and Selection

Before beginning the assessment, complete the following: • Choose an organization to use for this assessment. It can be where you are currently employed or a company with which you are familiar. It must be an organization that is researchable, as you will need to gather and analyze information in order to complete the assessment. … Continue reading “Recruiting and Selection”

you could compare the role of women in Gilgamesh and Sophocles’ Antigone.  What do these texts tell us about the way each culture viewed the position of women in society?  

Your task is to write a 4-5 page analytical essay in response to the following prompt:    Choose two of our first four readings and write a paper in which you compare and contrast the Weltanschauung (worldview) represented by these texts.  To do so, you will need to focus on a particular theme (or set of … Continue reading “you could compare the role of women in Gilgamesh and Sophocles’ Antigone.  What do these texts tell us about the way each culture viewed the position of women in society?  “