Final Project: Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt: For this milestone, due in Module Three, you will prepare a draft of the literature review due as part of your final research investigation using the three articles for your track that you selected in Module One. Rather than following the format of a typical lengthier APA literature review, you will instead prepare three … Continue reading “Final Project: Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric”

Which aspects of the film version of The Odyssey , directed by Andrey Konchalovskiy, surprised you?  Did you find any of the details of the film—whether those of plot structure, characterization, or emotional tone—strikingly different from those features of the text?

Which aspects of the film version of The Odyssey , directed by Andrey Konchalovskiy, surprised you?  Did you find any of the details of the film—whether those of plot structure, characterization, or emotional tone—strikingly different from those features of the text?   How does the way the film begins differ from the text? How does … Continue reading “Which aspects of the film version of The Odyssey , directed by Andrey Konchalovskiy, surprised you?  Did you find any of the details of the film—whether those of plot structure, characterization, or emotional tone—strikingly different from those features of the text?”

Trends and Issues in Nursing and Health Systems

It is becoming increasingly important for registered nurses to assume a leadership role in a changing health care system. Hence, registered nurses must be able to assess and act to fulfill their own learning needs in order to work to their full scope of practice. To complete this assignment, consider an issue or trend in … Continue reading “Trends and Issues in Nursing and Health Systems”

Considering the country’s current situation, did this effort make a difference? Is President Obama’s plan working? What is your opinion on this matter?

Discussions: Students are required to post their discussions to the discussion minimum of 8 posts in response to submitals from peer students. Special Note: Failure to follow the aforementioned instructions could result in a score of “0” for the assignment. As most of you are aware, when President Obama assumed office the country was in … Continue reading “Considering the country’s current situation, did this effort make a difference? Is President Obama’s plan working? What is your opinion on this matter?”

red is well known in his town for his homeopathic cough syrup. After years of encouragement, he has decided to take his miracle cough remedy to market as “Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup.” While his cough syrup is homeopathic, one of the key ingredients causes a severe reaction when taken in conjunction with aspirin.

Fred is well known in his town for his homeopathic cough syrup. After years of encouragement, he has decided to take his miracle cough remedy to market as “Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup.” While his cough syrup is homeopathic, one of the key ingredients causes a severe reaction when taken in conjunction with aspirin. Fred plans … Continue reading “red is well known in his town for his homeopathic cough syrup. After years of encouragement, he has decided to take his miracle cough remedy to market as “Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup.” While his cough syrup is homeopathic, one of the key ingredients causes a severe reaction when taken in conjunction with aspirin.”

Psychology writing, like writing in the other sciences, is meant to inform the reader about a new idea, theory or experiment. Toward this end, academic psychologists emphasize the importance of clarity and brevity in writing while minimizing descriptive language and complex sentence structure. The best writers of psychology have the ability to make complex ideas understandable to people outside of their area of expertise.

• Psychology writing, like writing in the other sciences, is meant to inform the reader about a new idea, theory or experiment. Toward this end, academic psychologists emphasize the importance of clarity and brevity in writing while minimizing descriptive language and complex sentence structure. The best writers of psychology have the ability to make complex … Continue reading “Psychology writing, like writing in the other sciences, is meant to inform the reader about a new idea, theory or experiment. Toward this end, academic psychologists emphasize the importance of clarity and brevity in writing while minimizing descriptive language and complex sentence structure. The best writers of psychology have the ability to make complex ideas understandable to people outside of their area of expertise.”

An analytical paper is a research paper that critically examines a work of literature from a specific point/problem. Analytical topics look at contextualization of a literary work (you could look at the Hawthorne’s representation of religion and society, James’ Continental Americans, etc.) and, through primary and secondary materials and the work itself, investigates this problem in-depth.

An analytical paper is a research paper that critically examines a work of literature from a specific point/problem. Analytical topics look at contextualization of a literary work (you could look at the Hawthorne’s representation of religion and society, James’ Continental Americans, etc.) and, through primary and secondary materials and the work itself, investigates this problem … Continue reading “An analytical paper is a research paper that critically examines a work of literature from a specific point/problem. Analytical topics look at contextualization of a literary work (you could look at the Hawthorne’s representation of religion and society, James’ Continental Americans, etc.) and, through primary and secondary materials and the work itself, investigates this problem in-depth.”

Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership

assignment is to create a Powerpoint presentation. This presentation should be 12 – 15 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page. Use bullets on most slides but each page should include a note section with at least 150 words in addition to the slide. Cite your work, limit quotes, and … Continue reading “Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership”

Use the web to investigate carpal tunnel syndrome. Research the carpal tunnel syndrome warning signs and risk factors. Find suggestions about proper workstation ergonomics to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Evaluate the differences among various treatment options. Does insurance typically cover treatment? Include in your discussion the average length of time of recovery. How should you change your workspace to help heal and prevent further damage? Should the company’s insurance pay for changes to your workspace? Why or why not?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome While attending college for the past two years, you have worked part-time as a data entry clerk. Recently, you began to feel a pain in your right wrist. Your doctor diagnosed the problem as carpal tunnel syndrome, which is the most well-known of a series of musculoskeletal disorders that fall under the … Continue reading “Use the web to investigate carpal tunnel syndrome. Research the carpal tunnel syndrome warning signs and risk factors. Find suggestions about proper workstation ergonomics to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Evaluate the differences among various treatment options. Does insurance typically cover treatment? Include in your discussion the average length of time of recovery. How should you change your workspace to help heal and prevent further damage? Should the company’s insurance pay for changes to your workspace? Why or why not?”