Your responsibility is to prepare two flexible budgets. The first flexible budget is based on prior year actual data. The only change is sales projections equal to 3,500 annual unit sales. 

Your responsibility is to prepare two flexible budgets. The first flexible budget is based on prior year actual data. The only change is sales projections equal to 3,500 annual unit sales. The second flexible budget is based on your sales projection and includes several changes to the data. The changes are listed in the Excel … Continue reading “Your responsibility is to prepare two flexible budgets. The first flexible budget is based on prior year actual data. The only change is sales projections equal to 3,500 annual unit sales. “

Select a problem that is currently receiving the attention of the helping professions. • Topics ideas include: substance abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, psychological disabilities/mental health, veterans, etc.). • You are free to select any topic you are interested in so long as you can apply all three models to your topic.

Select a problem that is currently receiving the attention of the helping professions. • Topics ideas include: substance abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, psychological disabilities/mental health, veterans, etc.). • You are free to select any topic you are interested in so long as you can apply all three models to your topic. Assignment Requirements: 1. Conduct … Continue reading “Select a problem that is currently receiving the attention of the helping professions. • Topics ideas include: substance abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, psychological disabilities/mental health, veterans, etc.). • You are free to select any topic you are interested in so long as you can apply all three models to your topic.”

α N-catenin regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is crucial for neuron migration during corticogenesis

Please read these papers and draw conclusions from them. 1. Schaffer, A. E. et al. Biallelic loss of human CTNNA2, encoding αN-catenin, leads to ARP2/3 complex overactivity and disordered cortical neuronal migration. Nat Genet. doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0166-0 (2018). 2. Romero, D. M., Bahi-Buisson, N. & Francis, F. Genetics and mechanisms leading to human cortical malformations. Semin … Continue reading “α N-catenin regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is crucial for neuron migration during corticogenesis”

Human development and family studies of Diversity Issues

Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W.J., Catalano, D.C.J., Dejong, K., Hackman, H.W., Hopkins, L.E., …Ximena Zuniga). Therefore, it is very important that essay should be ONLY written in casual words in order for other person to understand clearly. -part 1 (15 pts): In this section, … Continue reading “Human development and family studies of Diversity Issues”

What reaction did you have to his essay? What is his intent, and what does he do effectively in accomplishing it? Did it change your view of the issue in any way or cause you to reconsider your feelings in any way?

You probably know John Grisham better from his novels (The Firm, A Time to Kill) than from his journalistic essays. His essay presents an empathetic view of homeless people he meets in an effort to shed light on a social issue that is often dismissed or swept under the rug. What reaction did you have … Continue reading “What reaction did you have to his essay? What is his intent, and what does he do effectively in accomplishing it? Did it change your view of the issue in any way or cause you to reconsider your feelings in any way?”

According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, how could such a family separation affect children in the short run?

read through the following (based on current events) and try to answer the questions following by applying principles that we have discussed in class or are from our course readings. This is a critical thinking exercise where there is not necessarily 1 “correct” answer for each of the questions. Rather, this assignment will be graded … Continue reading “According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, how could such a family separation affect children in the short run?”

Feminism in 19th Century

Noted scholar, Rula Quawas, in her article “A New Woman’s Journey Into Insanity: Descent and Return in “The Yellow Wallpaper”” refines our understanding of the “private sphere” through her discussion of the 19th century ideal of the “cult of true womanhood and domesticity.” In the stories included in our text, Gilman rejects that ideal and … Continue reading “Feminism in 19th Century”

Biker Gang Subculture Artifacts

This paper will discuss an artifact or category of artifacts that is created by your chosen subculture ( Biker or motorcycle Gang ) based on research. There are a number of ways in which this might be accomplished, but it’s important to remember that you’re not simply describing or relaying information, but rather making an … Continue reading “Biker Gang Subculture Artifacts”

Health-related fitness,

(Health-related fitness, Performance-related fitness) Topics approved by instructor Procedural Outline for Writing Reflective Paper III   Title of the comparative paper should be one of the following: A Comparative Analysis of (fill in the two concepts, models, or theories that you have chosen)   Important Note: Four paragraphs should constitute the body of this paper.   The … Continue reading “Health-related fitness,”