Social and Political Ethics

4 pages in which you assess a law in terms of the social contract theories of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Political philosophy is concerned with the formation and maintenance of civil societies. Its central theme is the need to explain the relationship between individual human beings and their governments. Many states require that motorcyclists … Continue reading “Social and Political Ethics”

Fraud Investigation Methods and Procedures

Devise a fraud investigation plan for each of the businesses listed below: 1.Discuss the appropriate investigative methods/techniques that you would suggest. 2.Provide a detailed plan on how you would develop and carry-out the investigation. 3.Provide support (including the use of external citations) of why the method/technique would be useful in the situation. 4.Prepare a plan … Continue reading “Fraud Investigation Methods and Procedures”

The Implications of Managed Care on the U.S. Healthcare System

Managed health care emerged in the early 19th century in response to the growing cost of medical services in the United States. It is an ever-evolving approach to combining the financing and delivery of health care that seeks to manage costs, increase access, and ensure or improve quality of care through a variety of methods, … Continue reading “The Implications of Managed Care on the U.S. Healthcare System”

Describing & Critically Analyzing Viktor Frankl’s Theories

Throughout your degree program, you have learned about many theorists within the various psychological schools of thought. For this Assignment, you will have the opportunity to focus on a theorist you find influential, which is Viktor Frankl. First, you will describe Viktor Frankl’s theory and critically analyze it by doing the following: Detail the main … Continue reading “Describing & Critically Analyzing Viktor Frankl’s Theories”

In your own words, what is behavior epigenetics? How can studying behavior epigenetics help us understand the origin of behavior problems in children? How can it point to interventions?

Answer all 10 questions. Each fully developed response to a question will require a full page (double-spaced) of text. Approximately 10 pages in total for complete assignment. Times New Roman. 12pt Font. Double-spaced 1.Behavioral geneticists often study why behavioral concordance is not perfect and note that concordance varies between twins reared together and twins reared … Continue reading “In your own words, what is behavior epigenetics? How can studying behavior epigenetics help us understand the origin of behavior problems in children? How can it point to interventions?”

Economic inheritance of Africa

This research paper that requires you, first, to critically analyze primary sources and, second, to research related secondary sources. Scholarship provides you with the opportunity to develop research and writing skills as well as to synthesize knowledge about an important subject. Moreover, scholars of history not only discuss the matters of fact but also tell … Continue reading “Economic inheritance of Africa”

Asthma and Stepwise Management

Asthma and Stepwise Management Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects children and adults. Advanced practice nurses often provide treatment to patients with these disorders. Sometimes patients require immediate treatment making it essential that you recognize and distinguish minor asthma symptoms from serious, life-threatening symptoms. Since symptoms and attacks are often induced by a trigger, … Continue reading “Asthma and Stepwise Management”


Utilizing evidence-based research in your practice ensures that your patients receive the most effective care possible.  It is necessary for practitioners to review the research literature and identify therapeutic modalities that have been tested empirically and proven to more effective (as effective, or less effective) than others.  By providing the information below, you will begin … Continue reading “EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE ARTICLE REVIEW SUMMARY”

How do you feel about challenges faced by companies trying to stay both green and profitable given the intense global competition?

How do you feel about challenges faced by companies trying to stay both green and profitable given the intense global competition? Do you see it as a difficult challenge, an exciting opportunity, or a mixture of both? Your answer may largely depend on your perceptions about climate change as part of your life experience, or … Continue reading “How do you feel about challenges faced by companies trying to stay both green and profitable given the intense global competition?”