Analyze how do the posters reflect nurses’ changing role and image in mid-twentieth century America?

World War II Posters Paper (20 pts) a 2 page paper on 2 World War II posters (a primary source) from course materials addresses the question: Analyze how do the posters reflect nurses’ changing role and image in mid-twentieth century America?   Assignments:  All written work (except for posts) must be submitted to Blackboard/Safe Assign.  … Continue reading “Analyze how do the posters reflect nurses’ changing role and image in mid-twentieth century America?”

Is Reverse racism real? my stance is NO because it implies one specific race started racism

Planning a Speech The questions below will help you plan your speech. You may have already answered some of them in your Student Guide, so refer to it if you wish. Total score: ____ of 50 points (Score for Question 1: ___ of 10 points) What is the general topic of your speech? How will … Continue reading “Is Reverse racism real? my stance is NO because it implies one specific race started racism”

Please give a definition for 2 of these and use the following terms/phrases throughout your responses to each question.

(Mandatory): Please give a definition for 2 of these and use the following terms/phrases throughout your responses to each question. Ideology “In terms of” Fundamental Infer or “ one could make inferences” Lack or lacking “Lends itself well” Relevant or irrelevant Contrary Context Pragmatism or “being pragmatic” or “to be pragmatic”         … Continue reading “Please give a definition for 2 of these and use the following terms/phrases throughout your responses to each question.”

Choose one of two case studies to analyse and critically reflect upon.

Description Please get references from this book Crone, Eveline A. (2017). The Adolescent Brain. Psychology Press: Routledge Also please get references from Australian Sources and that they are recent as in the last 5 years Requirements back to top Choose one of two case studies to analyse and critically reflect upon. Each case study will … Continue reading “Choose one of two case studies to analyse and critically reflect upon.”

You will write a Position Paper about art and social conflict in the U.S. as represented in a current exhibition or gallery/museum/public art installation or performance art event in Los Angeles.

You will write a Position Paper about art and social conflict in the U.S. as represented in a current exhibition or gallery/museum/public art installation or performance art event in Los Angeles. Your choice of exhibition, installation, or performance should fall within the timeframe of the course (1970s to present). Your paper should not be a … Continue reading “You will write a Position Paper about art and social conflict in the U.S. as represented in a current exhibition or gallery/museum/public art installation or performance art event in Los Angeles.”

Use the required course materials to help you discuss, briefly, (1) the history of Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art and these two artists in particular, (2) the ways these artists represent the tension between individualism and mass production (a tension that defines American capitalist society), and (3) how the artworks approach questions as to the role of the artist and the role of art in society

20TH CENTURY MODERN ART Case Assignment Image of Pollock’s One: Number 31: Image of Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans: Moving toward the present day in our Art History timeline, the ability to ‘name’ the art period becomes more difficult; however, art historians have come to settle on the term Modernism. Not only is the … Continue reading “Use the required course materials to help you discuss, briefly, (1) the history of Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art and these two artists in particular, (2) the ways these artists represent the tension between individualism and mass production (a tension that defines American capitalist society), and (3) how the artworks approach questions as to the role of the artist and the role of art in society”

H.C. Porter′s ″BACKYARDS AND BEYOND: Mississippians and their Stories″

A large part of making art is understanding how craft an image in order to communicate something to an audience, taking into consideration mark, material, and composition. For this paper you will select a professional artist, write about their work, and give the class a presentation about your research. The paper must be at least … Continue reading “H.C. Porter′s ″BACKYARDS AND BEYOND: Mississippians and their Stories″”

When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem solving process to a specific problem scenario.

Assignment 2:  Problem Solving Due Week 9 and worth 150 points When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem solving process to a specific problem scenario. You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the … Continue reading “When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem solving process to a specific problem scenario.”

choose two documents that support government intervention in the economy and two documents opposed to government intervention in the economy, and write a 750-word essay that demonstrates the arguments the proponents and opponents of government intervention used.

Using primary texts supplied IN THE FOLDERS BELOW, choose two documents that support government intervention in the economy and two documents opposed to government intervention in the economy, and write a 750-word essay that demonstrates the arguments the proponents and opponents of government intervention used. You should identify the authors’ main point and examine how … Continue reading “choose two documents that support government intervention in the economy and two documents opposed to government intervention in the economy, and write a 750-word essay that demonstrates the arguments the proponents and opponents of government intervention used.”

Human Experimentation and the Doctrine of Double Effect

Consider the applications of ethical theory to human experimentation in our readings, class discussion, and in your research. Although not all ethicists agree that the Doctrine of Double Effect is normative, for the class you should know how to apply it to the relevant situations, and doing so can often help you order your thoughts … Continue reading “Human Experimentation and the Doctrine of Double Effect”