Drawing upon specific concepts of FPA, account for the different approach taken to the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis during the Kennedy administration, and the extent to which this evolution proved critical to the successful resolution

Structure Always structure your answers, be they exams or essays. Ensure that your answers have an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. Introduction In your introduction, introduce the thesis: What question do you intend to answer? Set forth your hypothesis: What do you anticipate the answers to be? Explain your rationale: Whey are you … Continue reading “Drawing upon specific concepts of FPA, account for the different approach taken to the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis during the Kennedy administration, and the extent to which this evolution proved critical to the successful resolution”

“Europe is indefensible.”

“Europe is indefensible.” – Aimé Césaire , I want you to consider how Robin Kelley defines “surrealism” as a political project in his introduction to Césaire’s text. You will also want to consider how Suzanne and Aimé Césaire define it as a political practice? Why, for instance, does Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism (1952) take … Continue reading ““Europe is indefensible.””

Inefficiencies in Managing Human Resources

Inefficiencies in Managing Human Resources Investigate the degree to which human resources are related to the other factors (project management, product design, process strategy, location decisions, layout decisions, etc.). In a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, address the following: Identify inefficiencies in the way that human resources are utilized in a business at which … Continue reading “Inefficiencies in Managing Human Resources”

How did the Africans experience the Middle Passage?

Research Project-History 1301 You will pick one of the approved graphic novels and beginning reading. Depending on which historical graphic novel you read, you will answer the   Central Historical Question: 1- Inhuman Traffick by Rafe Blaufarb and Liz Clarke   How did the Africans experience the Middle Passage?   2- Nat Turner by Kyle … Continue reading “How did the Africans experience the Middle Passage?”

Op-Ed about the American Red Cross and it′s reactions to recent disasters. The piece should make a clear argument about why the American Red Cross is not achieving one or more of its stated goals. 800-1000 words

In order to facilitate practical application of the literature covered in the first portion of the class, write an 800-1000 word mock op-ed on an international organization that is currently in the news or that you believe deserves further attention. The piece should make a clear argument about why the international organization is or is … Continue reading “Op-Ed about the American Red Cross and it′s reactions to recent disasters. The piece should make a clear argument about why the American Red Cross is not achieving one or more of its stated goals. 800-1000 words”

Comparison/contrast Essay

Comparison/contrast essay. Write an essay showing the X is/is not like Y on the basis of specific points. Choose one of the following topics for an essay developed by comparison and/or contrast. The topic on which you decide should be something you care about so that the comparison and contrast is a means of communicating … Continue reading “Comparison/contrast Essay”

Technology and social isolation

TOPIC: Technology and Social Isolation     Research different points of view about this topic, and identify the audience in order to develop an angle on the topic by answering the 5 points below. Each point should have 2 paragraphs   . 1- Brainstorm five questions on the topic.   2-How is the topic important … Continue reading “Technology and social isolation”

The importance of email and mobile phones in the network and computer security field

Instructions: Assume that your audience has little or no familiarity with your topic. Final Report   Although the exact format will be determined by your topic, the following elements should be part of your report.   Transmittal letter that includes an audience analysis Cover page (project title, your name, date, class title) Table of Contents … Continue reading “The importance of email and mobile phones in the network and computer security field”

Race Relationships between slave and owner

Race Prompt: One of the most enduring and disturbing legacies of American slavery remains the complex, inexorable connection forged between slaves and masters. Using Bolster’s and Mutti Burke’s monographs, please examine the relationships between African-American slaves and white Americans in the colonial and Antebellum South between 1750 and 1860. Using the backdrop of maritime life … Continue reading “Race Relationships between slave and owner”