Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that utilize metaphors (Morgan’s, or similar) to describe the functionality of organizations

Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that utilize metaphors (Morgan’s, or similar) to describe the functionality of organizations. After a concise, but thorough, analyses of the cases, summarize the benefits of using metaphorical devices in management practice. Instructions: Write a 3 page case study analysis based on two case studies that … Continue reading “Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that utilize metaphors (Morgan’s, or similar) to describe the functionality of organizations”

The statement that “recruitment of the right personnel for the task is paramount in the attempt to create a business model canvas that will add value to an organization and be sustainable at the same time.”

1. The statement that “recruitment of the right personnel for the task is paramount in the attempt to create a business model canvas that will add value to an organization and be sustainable at the same time.”. There was a quote that was supposedly attributed to a baseball manager when he was asked what made … Continue reading “The statement that “recruitment of the right personnel for the task is paramount in the attempt to create a business model canvas that will add value to an organization and be sustainable at the same time.””

Describe the role narrative writing or speaking plays in the work place.

Describe the role narrative writing or speaking plays in the work place. Think about the role narratives play in your current or future job. Think about a time where you needed (or will need) to describe a sequence of events or tell a story in order to explain how something happened. Police officers have to … Continue reading “Describe the role narrative writing or speaking plays in the work place.”

group identity

General Guidelines Topic Focus: Sociology makes us aware of the larger social and historical forces that can impact our individual lives. What we experience in different social settings with others may be traced back to larger events, established patterns of interaction, and changes in the social structure. We can exercise our “sociological imagination” in order … Continue reading “group identity”

Written Assignment from Schaefer, R.T. (2015). Sociology: A brief introduction (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Part A Compare and contrast the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist theoretical approaches to the study of society. How does each approach view society, the individual, social order, and social change? Your textbook analyzes sports in terms of various perspectives. Using the analysis of sports as a model, analyze the role of television from the functional, … Continue reading “Written Assignment from Schaefer, R.T. (2015). Sociology: A brief introduction (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.”

construction falls

Unit IV Research Paper Topic In this course, you are asked to prepare a Research Paper on a construction-related fall accident. To prepare you for the Research Paper, you will need to gain some knowledge and familiarity of construction accidents. Search the Internet, the CSU Online Library, safety organizations, or use an accident you are … Continue reading “construction falls”

mock research proposal on immunizations

Goal The goal of Get Write is to provide you space to draft your ideas and sections of your mock research proposal. Posting early in the week can provide time for your instructor and student colleagues to provide feedback that you can use to refine your work before you submit it for an assignment grade. … Continue reading “mock research proposal on immunizations”

the veil of ignorance and original position by rawls

Write an essay which explains what John Rawls means by “veil of ignorance” and “original position” and how these concepts are connected to the two principles of justice for which he argues. What are those two principles, and how do the “veil of ignorance” and “original position” help Rawls to find them? Why does Rawls … Continue reading “the veil of ignorance and original position by rawls”


Geoffrey Colvin’s article “What it takes to be great” is about how “success” or “talent” is really the outcome of hard work, tremendous practice, and mental approach, and not because of innate intelligence or natural talent. This applies to sports, school, business, and the arts. In a well-developed essay, citing specific examples from the text, discuss 1) what … Continue reading “English”